"Training arc 3" Chapter 8

Yoon Taemin stared at the giant man for quite a while before he spoke again,

"There is no way I can defeat an A grade monster with just one skill and no combat technique."

Yoon Taemin nervously waited for Michael's answer which he got in a few seconds.

"But what my ability says is that you hold great potential."

"A skinny man like me would only hold the potential of being human soup."

Yoon Taemin tried to avoid the match but Micheal wasn't letting it go.

"You should give it a try, who knows you can be the future sword master."

Yoon Taemin was sweating like crazy as he nodded. Micheal took out his system window and tapped a button. After that he patted on Yoon Taemin's shoulder and locked the area from the outside.

(Seriously He is gonna kill me at this point.)

A big bang was heard by Taemin. He looked at his left and saw a gate opening.

"Haa it's here, I guess my second life had been good so far. I will miss you Hana I mean all of the members I met so far. It was a good journey."

Yoon Taemin was looking at the door with a scared expression. Soon the monster slowly arrived the battle ground. It was the shape of two headed dragon.

Yoon Taemin started shivering as the dragon attacked. The flame was about to hit Yoon Taemin but it was soon gone with just a slash.

[System Error! You have been given the attribute "Dual personality". Switching on the mode 'Traitor']

Yoon Taemin's eyes glowed crimson red and the system could be clearly seen inside his eyes. He opened the information window about the monster.

[Two headed dragon...


An A grade monster with the skill of 'flame breath' and

' laser shooter' ]

" What a useless thing, it's still weak."

Yoon Taemin curled a smile on his lips as he ran towards the monster with the speed of light.

He spoke in a hoarse voice, "Multi-slash level 2 activate."

He pulled his sword out and cut the dragon only once which tore it to multiple pieces and slowly it turned into ashes. After defeating it Yoon Taemin fell down and regained his consciousness as he was sitting.

"What happened? where is the dragon?." Yoon Taemin confusingly looked around.

Suddenly the system window popped up.

[Congrats! your sword has reached level 2 alongside you. Your durability and agility has been increased. And your sword has gain two skills "flame breath" and "laser shooter"]

" What the hell just happened? How did I manage to get this? "


Soon after Micheal unlocked the training area, he was about to see what is going on but he was shocked to see the monster gone and Yoon Taemin sleeping in a corner.

Micheak smiled a little, "Looks like he does hold a great potential."

Micheal teleported Yoon Taemin to his room for rest since he looked tired.


"Again this place." Yoon Taemin groaned as he saw the same old school again in his dream.

"How many times do I have to see this?"

Yoon Taemin slowly started walking from the front gate to his old classroom. The whole school was empty except his classroom.

Yoon Taemin went inside his classroom and saw the strange blurred face again.

"What the-" Yoon Taemin stopped and widened his eyes. The blurred face boy stood up and came closer to Yoon Taemin.

"Senior! you came right? it took you long enough."

The boy laughed. Yoon Taemin backed out in terror,

"What do y-you mean?"

The boy made a painful expression, "tell me senior! why didn't you save me that day?"

"Which day?" Yoon Taemin answered in a panicking voice.

The boy got more closer to Taemin but Taemin was also slowly backing away.

"Tell me, why did you forget me? why! why did you senior!?."

"S-stop my head hurts." Yoon Taemin sat down as his ears kept ringing while he heard the words over and over again.


"Wahhhh!!" Yoon Taemin shot out of bed yet again panting as always.

(What the hell was that again?)

"Are you okay? you seem anxious" Hana spoke.

"Aaaaaa!" Yoon Taemin screamed.

"Oh it's just you Ms. Hana"

Hana had a worried look on her face, "call me just Hana, I bought you some medicines."

"What medicines?" Yoon Taemin confusingly asked.

Hana let out a long sigh as she crossed her arms,

"Since Mr. Taemin is training, brother told me to deliever you some vitamins, And since I am the healer here, it's also my job to look out to other members."

"Ah! thank you then, I'll take it now."

Taemin took the medicines quickly. After taking the medicines he noticed that Hana had quite a sad expression.

"May I ask if there is something bothering you?"

Hana sighed again as she fondled her fingers, " Mr. Taemin promise me no matter what happens you won't ever leave my brother's side."

Taemin didn't really understand the situation but he answered anyway, "Okay-"

Hana stood up immediately and let out a gentle smile on her face, "Well that's good, I hope you recover quickly."

Hana went away after saying that while Yoon Taemin kept staring blankly at her.

(What did she mean?)

[Character Hana has turned of the skill "Future view"]

[Switching point of view to Sujin.]

Sujin was sitting on the balcony still deep in thoughts,

" I really need that person who has the script of this world."

Sujin still had a painful expression while she was thinking.

"If I got that script sooner then-"

A door sound was heard by Sujin. She turned to look who it was only to see Yoon Taemin standing.

"Yoon. Taemin. right?"

"Yes" Yoon Taemin answered.

Sujin patted on the sit beside her where Yoon Taemin walked over and sat,

"So how is your training?"

"Better then before I guess."

Yoon Taemin was staring eagerly at Sujin.

"Do you need something?"

Yoon Taemin's eyes sparkled as if he was waiting for her to ask that question. Yoon Taemin took a deep breath and spoke,

"Can you seduce Yeong Hee?"

Sujin blinked twice to see what she heard was correct and not in a moment she went and punched Taemin on the face.

"Ouch! why did you do that for!?" Taemin groaned.

" Sorry but I don't have time for this shit you punk. If your so desperate seduce him yourself!"

Sujin angrily left the balcony while Taemin started sulking again.

(This isn't going anywhere.)

[ Finally I can sleep to be continued kek....zzzzz]