Chapter 3: Into Enemy Territory

What?" "Your daughter is unconscious and needs medical attention stat. we need someone to get her in the forest. Her playing forest." "Got it! Thank you Fawn now go to her. Guards!" "What is it Your majesties?" "My daughter is in the forest of animals she needs medical attention fast. Go get a doctor and find her fast!" "Yes your majesty."

So they got the doctor and they ran to the forest and found her laying on her stomach. "I see where she was hit." Said the doc. He cut open the back of her dress and addressed the wound. "Luckily the dart wasn't poisonous." Said the doc. One of the guards carried her and took her home. The other followed along with the doc.

They made it back to her room and laid her down gently. "How is she doc?" said the Queen. "We won't know until she wakes up. Luckily the dart wasn't poison but I had to cut her dress to address the wound." "I understand. Thank you doc." "I'll come back in an hour to check on her that is when the bandage will need to be changed." "Yes thank you. I was just about to call for her too. I thought she was going to her hideout." Said the King.

The next morning, "Hmm. Where am I? Am I home?" I sat up but felt pain in my back so I laid back down. I felt someone holding my hand I turned to my right and saw Jay holding my hand. I Smiled. "Just like last time. You were the first face I saw. Hehe." Then he woke up feeling some movement. "Talia?" "Yes I'm here." "Talia your awake! Let me get someone I'll be right back." "Ok sure." The doctor came in and saw me awake. "How are you feeling right now your highness?" "Well my back hurts like I've been stabbed. Oh the arrow. Here I put it in my pocket to show anyone who recognized them." I'm going to give you a shot for the pain but I will give it to you one time and it will make you sleepy." Said the doc. "I nodded. "After this I will give you some herbal medicine to help you heal and for pain." "Yes doctor." Then I flinched once the needle went in and started feeling sleepy. Until finally she was asleep.

"Ok you need to get some sleep too Jay." Said the Queen. "Yes your majesty." So He left reluctantly back to his room.

The next few days I had to take some gross medicine with Jay's help. Mrs. Evans agreed for him to be arranged to me. "I wonder what Jay would think? Hehe he really will be my brother by marriage when we do. Even though he is now." The doc came in to look at my back and said it was healed enough I could walk around but to be careful it would still be a little tender. I walked around the Garden with Jay and talked a bit. We had a garden full of flowers that bloomed in the winter. Its always winter here. Which makes it boring. "Hey Jay?" "Hmm?" "Isn't kind of boring that its snow all the time? I mean yes its pretty once in a while and we have a garden of flowers but it barely has sunshine. I want to see the sun more and maybe go around the world and see other seasons. The only time I can is when I go see the other 3 kingdoms. Spring, Fall and Summer kingdoms." "I see that really would be boring if I were in your shoes. As of right now its not so boring. We hardly got to see any snow where we were. It was always fall weather or sunshine." "Oh I see so we want to see the opposites. Makes sense. I know it's a hard subject for you but what was your father like?" "Hmm well lets see. He always had this grumpy or serious look on his face unless he was playing with us kids he was like any normal dad I wonder what mom saw in him. If his face was like that then too. It would be weird." "Hehe I wish I could have met him." "Oh he would have loved you." "I just hope Lycan comes back soon. I miss him." "He will be fine like you said he is strong right?" "Yeah he is I guess. When he was younger I remember people picking on him because he looked different. He didn't have hair like the normal people here. You saw he looks a lot similar to you right?" "Yeah and that's too bad. He does looks handsome. I think I'm just as handsome don't you think?" "Hehe Narcissist. I think you look more handsome than him just a Tad bit." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Well thank you." So we sat on the bench in the garden a bit and talked.

"I can't believe we have a ball in 2 weeks time to announce our engagement." "I know. I don't have anything to wear to that occasion." Said Jay. "Oh don't worry. They have everything you need for the ball. For everyone too your sisters and little brother." "Oh that's good. Thanks." "No problem. Hehe. Oh Its curious. Every time I wake up its always your face I see for some reason. I wonder why that is?" "Hmm. Maybe its fate." "Hehe Fate I've met her before. Hehe Joking." "Haha if only we all can and ask her some things." "Yeah I know right?"

After awhile we were heading back and one of my maids found me. "What is it?" "Your father is calling for you." "Oh ok sure. Can Jay come?" "That's fine." "Ok good. Come on Jay." So I had Jay follow me to the training room.

"Father?" "Oh good you're here. Oh hello Jay. I see you two are getting along that's good." "Yes father but what's the matter?" Then he showed me the arrows. "Do we know who they belong too?" "Yes we do. I don't think he wanted to kill you. I think he wanted to take you and use you for leverage." "Leverage for what? Is Lycan ok?" "I sent some knights there and hope he is ok. If they used you as Leverage Lycan probably would be in danger but since he couldn't well he should be ok." "That's good. So it was theirs after all." "Yes it was." "Excuse me your Majesty but you keep saying they who are they?" "A group of assassins who want to build an army. That's why they are having your uncle make weapons for them. I'm sure they have Lycan locked in a cell or something over there." "Hmm. Thanks dad. For letting me know. I'll be going to the forest now. I'll be fine. I will stay with my personal knight this time." "Ok be careful. Jay go with her." "Yes your majesty." So we went into my forest with my knight and my fiancé.

I called my pet snowbird Elsa. I whistled and she came flying down. "What seems to be the problem Talia?" "I need you to send someone something. They will understand what it means. They know about you so don't worry." "Ok what does this person look like?" "Oh yeah hang on." I showed her a picture of my friend and informant. "I see I have seen them around. I will do it. Just be careful ok?" I nodded. "Be careful out there though ok?" "I will be fine you need to be careful." "I know bye." So she flew off. "Where did you send her?" "Don't worry about it. Its fine. Now. I want you to meet someone." "Then all my animal friends came to see me. "Oh hello everyone. Have any of you seen Fawn around?" "Oh she has to baby sit her 2 year old brother. Her parents are out today." Said a deer. "Oh ok I think I'll go over there then to visit. I would like to visit the little boy as well. Come on Jay lets go." "Woah ok sure."

We got to a dome shaped house and I knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) Then Fawn opened the door. "Oh hi Talia. This must be the handsome Jay." "Hehe yep this is him can we come in?" "Oh sorry yes of course. This is my little brother Winter. Say hi little brother." "Hi Hi." "Hello there my name is Talia. This is Jay." He put his hands up for me to hold him. "Do you mind Fawn?" "No go ahead." So I picked him up and he played with my hair. "Pretty." "Aww thank you. Your pretty too." Then after awhile he wanted down so I put him down. "So how are the others doing in the village? Where are your parents?" "Oh they went on a dangerous mission so I stayed home with my little brother. They said they didn't know when they would be back." "Does this have to do with the incident in the mountains?" "They said something about it why?" "I see. Seems like everyone is talking about it now. Sigh." "I'm sorry Talia its all our fault. Its our uncle after all." "No its ok. Its no ones fault but the ones who took your uncle in the first place. I just wish master was still alive to tell me what to do." "Yeah well oh speaking of him he wanted me to give you something. You didn't have time to get it." She took something out of her pocket and it was some sort of Necklace. "He told me to tell you to give this to you. Be very careful with it. It has power and the power will protect you but if your not careful could kill you." "I see. I wish master had some last words." "I know me too. He was a sweet man." "This Master of yours you speak of what was his name and how old was he?" "Oh He looked about in his mid 30's or early 40's green hair the same darkness as mine but green. Like a pastel or icy green. He had 2 different colored eyes so everyone hated him. His name was Quinn. Everyone called him Ran why?" "OH no reason. Thanks. So what kind of man was your master?" "Well he was a sort of strange guy I guess he always has a cold and serious face. When you get to know him he is a sweet man and strict during Lessons. We called him old man since we were still kids. He kept saying I'm not old I'm still in my prime. Anyway this necklace did he say how to use it?" "No just to be careful with it and put it on." "OK I will." It was a choker necklace with a big sapphire gem in it. "Ok well we should get going." "Ok thanks for stopping by. Did you see the animals on the way here?" "Yeah I asked them where you were they told me you were babysitting." "Oh ok good well see you again sometime." "Oh yeah You will be getting an invitation to a ball in 2 weeks don't worry about a dress I had one made for you. It's a ball to announce my engagement." "Oh ok awesome. I'll definitely be there even if I have to take my little brother." "Ok cool see you there." So we walked back home.

It was finally night time. I was already ready for bed and going to sleep. My sister was already asleep so I pretended I was then I was taken again. This time my sis didn't hear me and I knew who it was. My room was high so I ended up on Elsa and we flew away. I had some normal clothes under my bed clothes and no one noticed. So when we were flying I took off my bed clothes and kept on my battle clothes. "Well that went easier than I thought." Said my friend and Informant Tax. "You know how dangerous this is going to be right?" "Yes I do. I just want to make sure my brother and his uncle are ok. Mostly my brother." "Ok well I'm sure my men are already over there by now. or almost there." "Ok thanks. Oh by the way this may seem like a bad time but I am engaged. In 2 weeks is a ball and you won't have to worry about a tux one will be provided. Your men as well are welcome." "Oh and who is the lucky guy?" "Jay Evans." "Oh I've heard of the Evans their uncle is who is captured." "Yes he is a weird guy every time I wake up I see his face. They saved me from being out in the cold I think that's why father had me marry him." "I see. They are nice people after all. Their father helped us out a lot when we heard of his death some of us took it harder than others." "I wish I got to meet him." "Yeah some of us do to. He was a good man. Anyways we're almost there. Hang on." So I held onto him tight and Elsa went fast until finally we made it.

"Here we are." "Woah that was a rush. Elsa stay hidden and stay close." "Yes Talia." "Ok thanks." "OK Tax lets go." Tax is like an older brother to me. We met as kids. I was also taught how to use weapons myself but my specialty is a bow and arrow.

Tax gave me a signal to hide until he gave the signal to shoot one of my arrows. There where many places to hide in the cave. So I found a spot. I kept my guard up so if anyone came I would shoot them.

Finally I saw Tax's signal and I shot an arrow then I saw his hand to wait. I saw his hand gesturing me to come out. So I did. "Oh I see the princess came along after all huh?" "Sister? What the hell are you doing here?" said Lycan. "So this is the youngest princess of the snow kingdom? She is gorgeous." "You better not touch me unless you want a broken hand." He quickly took his hand and moved it. " I was worried about you brother. You were taking to long I'm engaged now to Jay Evans." "What your engaged to my brother?" "Yeah." "Well awesome but you need to go back now!" "I'm sorry brother but not. I didn't set up this kidnapping to leave now. Why don't you exchange the two men for me. I mean a princess who has a rich family over 2 measly men. No offence." "None taken." "Boss she is right." "Fine but only the young man goes." "No that is not the deal they both go Or I kill every one of your men." "I wouldn't underestimate her guys. I have before and got hurt." Said Tax. "Well you told me to give you everything I got so I did. Its not my fault." "Yes I did." "Well what will it be boss?" "Fine let the men both go we will take the princess. We have enough weapons anyway." So they kicked my brother and his uncle out.

"I gotta get help from father." "Well it looks like he did get help look." "About time you guys showed up. One of you take my uncle I'm going back in." "Are you nuts Lycan. Your going to get killed." "I'll be fine." So the one knight took his uncle to the palace and Lycan went with the knights.

"Our priority is the princess. Then we worry about her friends got it?" "Yes your highness." So they all went in and started killing men who got in the way. Lycan told them which was her friends and which weren't so they were safe as well.

"You ok sister?" The boss was tied up and those who said they would talk were as well. The others were killed.