Soon enough the mech seargent brought him to the base Academy and brought him to the section where all the Deserters where located.It was a very big building compared to anything he had ever seen with powerful technological devices at every corner coated with the same color of every workers uniform the same predominant blue color."But I didn't even attempt to run away perharps, I don't even know what is going on to be honest but let me just act like I'm not utterly clueless anyways"...Junior said
He and his fellow "deserters" where then breifed on how the military system work why they're should part of the military and other official junk.Soon after they all will be distributed to their specific compartments but before then they had to undergo one of the most important parts of a "recruitment" which was the test to determine their base stats, pretty much every Terran already had a decent base stats considering they were citizens of an Empire State but the same couldn't be said for Junior who wasn't even from that Period.
"You all are the worst said Officer Maupay as you all know have committed a felony by trying to desert your great nation at the time of need but no worries your service to a Nation's military would more than cover up for you and yours and horrendous crimes" said the officer soon after they all went to their registration points with your filling their specific details and creating profiles on the Academy database I don't even understand why I have an Identity in this place...I don't even understand all these going on right now...why am I here thought Junior One moment I'm getting beat to a pulp then the next moment I'm in this new body perharps a new world put fixed to some crazy system what the f*** is going I'm flying??? I don't understand what's going on to be honest and I need answers as his mind went to that system stuff said Junior...Alright let's see name: junior Pendragon...Oh I've already been given a name then but why Pendragon??
alright then let's see
specialisation none
physicality unknown
speed unknown
intelligence unknown
adaptability unknown
versatility Level unknown
Dexterity unknown
Endurance unknown
where's the rest of the deserters(let's call them reserve cadets from now on) now after some period of evaluation we'll be able to deter your specialties and where you fit in...of course those of you who have a good genetic aptitude will always be Mech Pilots but they're other roles we have mech designers,Infantry,Battleship specialists and so many other but that's all for later...You should all go to your decks and get some rest tomorrow is going to be a really busy day for you guy...You're dismissed" said Officer Maupay as he addressed the Cadets.
I've got some really important questions for that system stuff but I'll need to know who I'm going to be sharing a room with he said as he walked to his deck..
Immediately he entered the room "Oh see who decided to show up where have you been no worries let's introduce ourselves I'm Ashley" said a Red Haired stocky little shortie..."I'm Josh" said another who seemed to have a sort of resemblance with Ashley but was much taller and had curly black hair..."and I'm Blake I guess I'll be the leader here so it'll only be right if I took the best bed and all...I suppose you all agree or don't you? He asked in an intimidating way Josh and Ashley wanted to pose a challenge as they couldn't naturally cause he was much bigger and stronger "Alright then" he said with a grin since there are no more opinions I guess we're all good right?
No I don't think so said Junior...Everyone was suprised at the person the challenge was coming from and it was expected as he didn't really look big and all
So here's the warrior who wants to challenge me..well I guess it's alright then as a little injury from "playing" wouldn't hurt" Blake rushed at him with a punch immediately afterwards but was suprised at the way Junior dodged it and assumed it was a fluke he directed a kick to his midsection but Junior dodged it with equal precision...I guess I'll be doing the hitting now said Junior as he proceeded with a barrage of attacks on the Big Bully giving him no chance to breathe...he had to stop so as not to give the bully any irreparable injuries.
Woah I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover then said Ashley in a quiet manner so as not to upset Junior after seeing his suprising fighting skill....Even Junior was suprised although not really suprised as he guessed it had something to do with the system stuff " I really need to be careful with this thing...the kind of power it has shown me isn't really normal and I don't know what it purpose even was" He reminded himself.
Immediately after that he checked his side and Blake was no where to be found suddenly a voice boomed in his room "Junior you are summoned to office 91B73 with immediate effect.
"Oh shit" said Junior,Ashley and Josh in unision.