
(AN: sorry about being late to update, I've been busy with work, and immersed in elden ring recently. Also, a lot of the commonwealth will more accurately reflect the Fallout 4 concept art, instead of the base game. Including sanctuary hills and the "house of tomorrow".)


"Kai, sir?" Replied Codsworth, turning the corner. "Is that really you?"

Now that I could see him properly, he didn't seem to be doing so good. His chrome dome was dented and corroded. The wear and tear affecting his eye stalks as they stuttered to focus on me.

"Yeah its- where is everyone? What happened?"

"Oh it's been terrible sir. It's been so long, and I haven't seen mrs Nora or the sir in years. They went up to the vault and never came back down. I've been trying to take care of the house, but I simply wasn't built to handle this level of damage. The paneling has fallen of, the paint is peeling, and I haven't been able to go up and fix any of the holes in the roof."

"It's fine Codsworth worth, I understand."

He's in worse condition than I though. "You said they went to the vault?"

"Indeed sir."

"So that means they are safe." 'That's a load off of my chest.'

" Don't worry, I'll go up to the vault and make sure that they're doing well."

" Why thank you sir Kai, you have my most sincere gratitude."

After a few more minutes of me regaining my breath, I left my bike with Codsworth and began to make my way up the hill. Dispute the relatively short distance. The steepness of the hill had me feeling a strain in my weakened lungs before reaching the gate that marked the entrance to the vault.

The area beyond the gate was filled with shipping containers, construction equipment and temporary structures.

I looked around to see if I could find the vault entrance.

Looking around at the rock faces I couldn't see any entrance like the one I saw in the presentations.

I walked around the abandoned equipment, looking for a clue to the vaults entrance.

After rounding some broken down vehicles, I was able to spot the platform. Shaped like a gear and covered in peeling blue and yellow paint of grey steel. It was likely an entrance to the vault.

The most disconcerting detail was the body, or rather the clothed bones strewn over the sealed doors.

I couldn't figure out how these very obviously human bones could have ended up in such a state. Couldn't be either immolation or scavengers as the clothes would show signs.

Try as I might, I couldn't figure out the cause for the body's state. If only I could green some hints, I would be able to get a clue as to what caused this, I would have a much clearer understanding of what potential threats exist.

But without knowledge, I am left to continue onwards with only ignorant caution and a tire iron to protect me.

I entered the temporary control room and called the lift up from below. After only a few minutes of tinkering I found a control that was meant to lower the platform on a timer so that surface personnel could descend while under manned.

I walked onto the platform and descended into the vault, as the blast doors closed over me.

(AN: I felt the need to explain my reasoning for there being so much plant life when there was so little in the game. Because of the time period placing fallout 4 furring a "nuclear summer" and the commonwealth's proximity to the coast, the plant life would be overrunning most of the cities and wilderness Turing it into a veritable jungle. I decided that while a jungle fallout would be quite the idea, it would disconnect the story from the canon a bit too much. So I decided that the presence of mutated fauna and like super mutants and Yao gui amongs other's voracity would be a leading cause to keeping back the plant like from growing too much. )