Chapter 6

Horses would have been too loud so Kylian had decided to leave the horses on the ridge, along with 'Odor and 'Dicor. It was a gamble to leave the two injured alone, but both would only hold them back if they were to face any danger in those uncanny settlements.

'Hodor had insisted to take Benn along, Kylian had not liked the idea but later gave away to the giant's stubbornness.

Kylian led the way down the hill, followed by 'Hodor and then Benn.

"Little one.... tell me."

Benn waited for the Jeyan to speak further but he didn't.

"Tell you what. I swear I am not one of them... sir ?" Benn answered quizically. Was he being interrogated again ? And how in seven heavens was he supposed to address the giant?

"Tell me.... what you be" the giant glanced back "No sir.... just 'Hodor." and continued in his course.

Benn looked at the giant, the pinkish tan made him look different than the others but not any less intimidating.

"He wants to know what you want to be." came a voice, a few strides from him.

Benn looked beyond the giant at Kylian. 'Slave, mercenary, criminal what was he ? And why does the hell does he looks the same age as him?' Benn was clueless of what to make of the man and the way he killed without concern made the man even more daunting than the giant.

Kylian twitched,

"Sorry...." Benn looked down as he realized he had been staring for too long. 'Desperate to get killed huh Benjamin.'

"I am Benjamin Brook, Son of Bayo Brook a farmer. He wanted me to become a farmer I enrolled in the army." "Looking for some adventure," Ben spoke with a gloom, cursing every bit of himself and his decision.

"I know that.....what you be....."

Benn gave a quizzical look, he had no idea what you be meant.

"Be alert." Kylian turned and whispered. Benn looked at his stern expression and wondered if the man could even smile.

"Take.." 'Hodor extended his arm holding a dagger, it looked more like a needle in his gigantic hand.

"Why ?" Benn looked around unsure.

"In case we encounter enemies. Make sure to point it in the right direction" Kylain spoke, there was a threatening edge to his words. Benn gulped down and continued following the two.

The group of three walked swiftly but carefully. The settlement was as still as earlier, but Kylian was sure there were people in it.

"Benjamin" Kylian whispered, "make them come out."

Benn gave a small giggle to the good joke.

Kylian's stare made Benn realize the joke was on him.

"How am I to do that ?"Avoiding Kylian's eyes, Benn somehow managed to voice out his anxiety.

"Go." came a stern reply.


"We will make sure you don't get killed. Go now" Kylian cut in.

'It will be completely fine if they beat me to a pulp, everything is fine unless I die huh you SAVAGE.' he cursed within him, but could not voice his thoughts, for obvious reasons. Benn sighed, he had no choice, he took a step forward but was stopped by the giant, who towered in his way.

"We blood.... they fear ..... you clean.... harmless."

Benn thought over the giants' words. He was right, no one would let a giant or a man covered in blood to his very nail let in. It made Benn feel better but still it did not make him any less anxious. Benn snarled at Kylian and before he could speak or do anything Benn ran off towards the hut.

With heavy steps Benn walked up to the hut and knocked at the wooden door.

"We have given all for today, we don't have anything left. Please .....Please have some mercy..... pleaseee." a woman wailed weakly from within the hut. Benn felt a chill run down his spine, he could hear the agony through her words. There was another person too. He could hear the muffled weeping through the thin straw walls.

"We just want shelter, we are not here to harm you."

There was no reply, just more sobbing.

"We could even help you, let us in."

No reply, Benn rested his hand on the thin wodden door. The door was weak, with efforts he could break it open.

"Move" Kylian walked in.

Benn hesitated, he was scared of what the savage might do with the people inside.

"I said move." Kylian spoke again, this time with a cold ring to his words.

Benn stepped aside with a shiver. He had realised just today that he was not as courageous as he had thought himself to be.

He turned around, hoping the giant would intervene but the giant was absent. Benn looked around but 'Hodor was nowhere near.

'Hiding from the villagers ?' It seemed logical.

Benn took a breath and cemented his will to stop Kylian, but soon the thought evaporated as his eyes fell on the bloody sword tied around his back.

If Kylian got furious it would be his end and this time even the giant was not there to save him and he was aware the man beside him would not even hesitate.

'Pathetic' Benn spat down, annoyed at himself for being such a coward.

"We need a shelter for the night, I promise you we have no ill intentions. Open the door." Kylian spoke with a calm.

There was no reply from inside, he could just hear people sobbing.

They had no time to waste, Kylian was getting restless. 'Odor and 'Dicor were in need of treatment and there could be more pursuers.

"Open the door, or I had to break it open you choose." Kylian knocked heavily this time and stepped back ready to do what was needed.

Kylian was about to break the door open when he heard a click from the door. A frail woman with small steps walked out, her face gaunt, with hollowed cheeks, her clothes not much better than herself.

"MAYA...." Kylian's eyes opened wide and he stretched his trembling hand to check he wasn't dreaming.

"Please no...." the woman folded her trembling hands "Mercy please.... please" she pleaded

Kylian was left aghast his eyes still on the woman, it wasn't her not even close. His mind was playing tricks on him again, he had seen Maya burn to ashes along with others.

"Stay aw....wayy..yy from her." a small boy with tattered clothes came rushing out of the house, his eyes still moist with tears. With sweaty hands, the boy was holding a wooden stick taller than himself.

"I am sorry." Kylian whispered and took several steps back, his face flushed with shock.

"Little soldier we won't harm your mother.-" Benn faced the woman and gave a slight bow "We are sorry for the misunderstanding, but me and my ... friends here need to rest for the night. I assure you we won't bring you any trouble."

The little boy ignored Benn, his wooden stick was still pointed towards Kylian. He was tensed by Kylian's presence, who wouldn't be tensed to see a man covered in blood to his very teeth.

"We cannot let you in, if they -" the woman froze mid-sentence. Benn looked at the pale woman quizzically but soon realized why.

"Two armed.....close really." 'Hodor spoke, who had somehow managed to sneak just behind him.

"Move in." Kylian spoke and without wasting any time speeded inside followed by 'Hodor who had to carry Benn, who was still busy thinking how the giant managed to snuck behind him.

Both the woman and her son just stood there petrified outside the hut.

"Look she is already outside,"

"Saves us the hassle to break into their hole."

Two scruffy men with sheathed swords chuckled as they walked towards the duo.

"...." the woman came back to her senses and took a step back, panicked.

"Don't move you whore." one of the men grasped the boy's neck. The boy struggled to free himself but wasn't strong enough. The boy's vision was slowly blurring as he struggled to breathe in the man's grip.

"Look Baron, this pup even has a weapon." the other man spoke scratching his beard, as he spotted a wooden stick dangling loosely from the boy's grip.

"What have we done to you, why are you doing this ?" the woman bawled.

"Look at that shouting Baron, isn't she something. Let me have a first go on her ." the man spoke as his lecherous eyes moved all over the woman's body.

"You demon let my son go. Let him go." the woman clawed Baron, trying to free her son but was punched down.

"Demon ? We are soldiers, can't you see ? " with his free hand, Baron pointed on the insignia on his shabby uniform. "We work so hard to protect you all, don't you all have any duty towards us ?" he shouted out, agitated at the woman's feeble attempt.

"Break the kid's neck Baron, it will knock some sense into her."

"No... Pleaseee..." the woman gave a shrill cry seeing her son on doors of death.

"Pathetic." Kylian stepped outside the hut. His eyes on the two men.