"Why are we traveling only through these boring forests. It will take us half a day more to reach Mattidis city Kylian." Benn asked who was riding behind Kylian on the horse.
"It would be difficult to trail us through these forests." Kylian replied nonchalantly
"It's kind of boring just sitting here, same trees all over the place." Benn spoke stretching both his arms wide, imagining he was flying.
"Boring is good. It does not get you killed." "...What are you doing. You will fall."
Benn snorted, "Then give me the reins."
"Have you even touched the reins before ?" Kylian spoke his eyes carefully inspecting everything as they moved.
"No….Isn't there a first time for everything?" Benn replied with a cheeky smile.
"Not when we are being chased by assassins."
"What assassin, I don't see one. " "Do you see any assassin's 'Hodor" Benn shouted looking back.
'Hodor was riding just behind them. The horse looked like a pony beneath the pink giant. Although being an armature at riding he was doing a pretty decent job.
"Boring" Benn shifted his gaze when he got no reply from the giant. 'Hodor was too invested riding the horse.
"Hey Kylian what is the plan ?" he further asked
"About what ?"
"About us infiltrating the hideout, and taking out those assassins." Benn spoke cheerfully, his eyes twinkling brightly.
"Nothing," Kylina replied "You both will stay at an inn, eat your meals rest. I will take care of the rest."
"What I have been so excited to fight. Why would you do that, you are a greedy one." Benn spoke and turned his face in anger.
Kylian gave a long sigh, he had never thought he would be missing the old Benjamin.
Kylian slowly opened to the muffled footsteps under his tree. He slid his hand carefully towards his sword so as not to make any noise. The Assassins had seen 'Hodor and Benn who were sleeping on the ground. But a few of them were still searching a few strides away from.
'Total seven' Kylian spotted all of them under the moonlight. Three still on a look for him at a distance. Three of them in bushes surrounding 'Hodor and Benn from the side and one tiptoeing towards 'Hodor and Benn.
Kylian peeked under his branch and saw Benn sound asleep, he hadn't expected much, but 'Hodor's eyes were wide open. Being a slave and being in danger all the time, surely had made his ears very sensitive, especially at times like these.
When the assassin was walking his way up from the foot of 'Hodor towards his head, 'Hodor kicked the assassin on his legs.
The assassin gave a shrill cry and fell face forward towards the ground, his knee bent unnaturally. The assassin tried pushing himself up but felt a huge hand on his back pushing him down. With pained expressions, the assassin turned his head to look, but all he saw was 'Hodor mountain-like falling towards him.
In the next second the assassin's brain was splattered all over the ground.
Kylian had purposely chosen this spot. Trees were not only large here but were grown in a clump giving him countless objects to hide from long-ranged weapons.
Kylian jumped from tree to tree, dodging the knives aimed at him. He could have easily sneaked behind them but for the time being 'Hodor would have been vulnerable. Kylian wanted their attention on him.
Kylian then jumped from the tree upon one of the assassins, the man sprawled on the ground beneath the weight. Without wasting any time Kylian pierced his heart with the blade in his hand.
Kylian quickly took cover behind a tree as he saw the incoming knife hurled towards him. The remaining assassins who earlier were on search had now joined with the group.
Out of the remaining five, two were engaged with 'Hodor in close combat. Benn was already up and surprisingly was trying to aid 'Hodor from a distance, throwing stones, and not so surprisingly he wasn't doing a very good job.
The assassins were moving, Kylian could hear their footsteps, he peeped from behind the tree. Two assassins, at least ten strides opposite to each other. They were trying to circle Kylian to get a clear view of him.
'4 heartbeats ' Kylian made a quick mental note and rushed towards the one on his left.
'Dhakkk Dhakkk'
Seeing Kylian advance towards him, the assassin tossed a knife towards Kylian.
''Dhakkk Dhakkk''
Kylian did not bother evading and took the knife on the chest piece.
'Dhakkk Dhakkk'
Kylian was now just 3 strides away from the assassin, when he did a forward roll.
'Dhakkk Dhakkk'
A knife drove just inches above Kylian, right at the assassin ahead of him. In the dark, it was impossible to look at his emotion but he would have been shocked by the sudden pain he felt in his gut out of nowhere.
Kylian swiftly finished the wounded enemy and snaked his way towards the one behind him.
He was too quick for the assassin. The assassin couldn't get even a single hit at Kylian. He just watched Kylian making his way towards him. When Kylian had reached close the assassin pulled his sword out and lifted it to make a downswing but Kylian was already in front of him, both his on the hilt holding it near his hip.
Both of them moved simultaneously, the assassin with a downswing Kylian with an upthrust.
But Kylian was way faster with his blade.
The sword pierced through the assassin's neck and jutted out from the back of his neck, just a second later the assassin's sword came down and rested on Kylian's shoulder, all force lost behind the attack.
Blood gurgled out as Kylian pulled his sword out of the assassin's neck.
By the time Kylian reached 'Hodor, the giant was finishing off his second attacker. Small bruises on his white skin shinned brightly under the bright moon. Kylian looked around 'Hodor, stones of different sizes laid all around the giant.
"Cannot blame me." Benn spoke with a sheepish smile "He covered all of my targets."
'Hodor gave out a snort, as he rubbed a bruise on his head.
'Wait' Kylian looked around hastily at the dead bodies. Wasn't there supposed to be one more.
Just a second later his sharp eyes caught an assassin peeking from a tree right behind Benn. The assassin was unaware that Kylian had noticed him.
So as not to alert the hidden assassin, Kylian spoke in his usual manner "Benn help me collect their knives".
"What, no I am already tired," Benn complained "And we have already collected a lot of em'."
"Benjamin" Kylian muttered, giving a subtle eye movement.
"What. I ain't moving an inch. 'Hodor will help you out." Benn folded his arms stubbornly.
The assassin wasn't looking now, but the tip of his boot was still visible.
By the time even 'Hodor had realized something was amiss.
' A SS ASS I N ' Kylian mouthed the word, trying to warn him.
"What are you even doing." He looked at Kylian carefully,
"ASSASSIN.." Benn spurted out aloud "WHERE.." he looked around with a puzzled expression.
The assassin was alert by now and instantly jumped out off his cover and pointed a knife at Benn's neck.
Kylian twitched, he was seriously having second thoughts if he wanted to even save Benn.
"Behind me." Benn stuttered.
"All your..... weapons down, or the kid here.. dies. " the assassin spoke, his hands trembling.
Kylian looked at the assassin, he was panicking, not a good sign. He might accidentally kill Benn if they were to give any movements.
Kylian did as the assassin said, he threw his sword to a side followed by 'Hodor.
"Hey... I am eighteen." Benn spoke furiously, he was offended by being called a kid.
'He is surely gonna get himself killed' Kylian thought, as his eyes thoroughly inspected for any opening.
"What ?" the assassin asked, he was sweating profusely, even his mask was soaked. But his eyes were still on Kylian and 'Hodor.
"I am just a year younger than him.....I don't see you calling him a kid."
"Shut up....YOUUUU FOOOOLLL" the assassin slightly poked Benn on his neck.
"Owww...You were the one who asked me man and you don't have to make me bleed to prove a point..." Benn grumbled.
"Are you insane." the assassin slightly glanced at Benn in disbelief.
That was the distraction Kylian was looking for. He swung his arm towards the assassin, and a knife hurled from beneath his sleeve, perfectly catching the distracted assassin between his eyes.
"What ?" Benn blinked twice uncertain what had just happened.
Soon drops of blood fell on Benn followed by the assassin's corpse.
'When is he going to be fine' Kylian sighed.
Burying all the assassins the three continued on their journey towards Mattidis.