Chapter 18


Fiona woke up to the knock on the door.

"Wait" she spoke aloud as she rubbed sleep off her eyes. 'Have I overslept ?' she thought and glanced outside the window, only to find the sun has not even risen yet.

'Is it an emergency ?' She became alert. Quickly putting up a blue gown, she ordered. "Come in"

Two soldiers stepped inside- "Your majesty" they gave a bow and continued "There is an emergency council meeting your majesty" one of them spoke " and your presence is desired by the king himself."

She nodded, and without wasting even a second started making her way towards the council room followed by the two guards.

Her brows were furrowed with worry, and her brain was trying to work out what major problem would have arisen to call for such a meeting at such an hour. 'Is it some major Rebellion or Riots ? Otron empire ?' ' Another rogue mage' or is it terrorist attack this time ?' Countless scenarios flooded her brain and keeping in mind the current state of the kingdom all of them seemed possible.

As soon as she reached the council door a guard flung the door open, and loud chattering came from inside the room.

She paused at the door, 'This does not look like an emergency meeting'. From just the loud chattering inside, she could easily estimate that all forty seats of the room were filled.

She then entered the room, and to her surprise all the room fell into a hush and every eye fell on her. She could smell something fishy in here, but she was already there. With her usual calm manner, she walked up to her chair, beside the king.

"Wait your majesty" Scilias Mallor interrupted her "You will not be advising today, you are to stand there." He said pointing towards the dock inside the council room. The council members and important figures of the kingdom were to be trialed in the council room itself.

Fiona was in disbelief "What am I being charged of ?" she asked.

Fiona could not remember a thing she had done to offend the kingdom or the king.

She looked from face to face of the councilmen who were comfortably seated. She could tell from their amused faces, they were enjoying it. Scilias had really caught her off guard this time.

Her eyes fell on King Jamine and her face twitched, he looked so much like Gustov yet he was nothing like him. Same golden hair, dark black eyes same stature, even the way he sat was similar to the late king.

"You will soon be aware, your majesty" Scilias spoke with a huge grin.

Fiona calmed herself, how could she let these wolves see her vulnerable. Straightening her back she walked to the dock, the hem of her blue gown fluttered in the air making waves behind her, she looked regal.

As soon as she reached the wooden dock.

Scilan spoke aloud "The former queen Fiona Akerberg-"

Fiona twitched, but within seconds he put up a stoic face. Scilian was taking her maiden name, it was a disrespect itself.

"-is charged with crimes for stealing from the Kingdom which means stealing from the King himself on different occasions." taking out a sheet Scilan continued

"Fiona Akerberg you took thirty gold shrillings from the king's reserves, do you deny ?"

Charging a former queen for thirty gold shrillings was petty. Even noble families made at least hundreds. But the written law of stealing from the King were strict, even though nobody cares for them much nowadays.

Even though Fiona was vexed, she showed no outward sign, calmly she replied- "May I know the time period ?"

"We cannot provide you with exact time, as we all know the previous king failed to keep proper accounts."

Fiona looked at Scilan with daggering eyes if she could she would have pulled out his tongue then and there. Scilias just smiled to her stare.

It had been normalized lately by the councilmen and corrupt aristocrats to blame the late King for their shortcomings and corruption. It was the best way to coax King Jamine who detested his father and they could just get away with their follies.

Fiona calmed her nerves and spoke "As I remember correctly, it was to provide for the families of two hundred martyred soldiers who lost their lives at our borders."

"But we already did provide them relief funds back then." Scilias replied immediately as if he knew what would Fiona reply to the charge.

"Do you think providing five gold shrilling was enough for their families."

"It was not in your power to sanction an amount and you did." Scilias replied ignoring her "Do you accept the charge."

"Scilias Mallor, first answer me. Was the amount enough ?" she spoke aloud and with authority, her voice not much as wavering, making it clear to reach everyone inside the room. She was not only up against Scilias Mallor, she was up against the whole council and possibly the King.

"You are being charged and not Scilias Mallor" The King spoke with indifferent expressions "So we all would appreciate straight answers from you." With his single statement, the King had made it clear the verdict had already been given and the whole process was just a charade.

Fiona gave Jamine a scornful look which everyone in the council clearly noticed. For Fiona, Jamine was just a pawn wearing a crown, who was just being used by the council and by the 'Ancient One'.

A person who could even kill his father to please someone was not even qualified to be a person let alone her son.

Fiona took a deep breath, by showing her bitterness to the King she had made matters worse for her

"Yes I accept."

It was not if they could imprison her for the charge, she was the former queen and one the most powerful healing mage all around the world. She had saved thousands of lives and even though she had lost her influence in the council but the commoners respected and loved her just as they did ten years ago.

The face of the councilmen visibly lit up a notch.

"Second incident of stealing from the King." Scilias spoke again, taking out another sheet of paper "You stole fifty gold coins from the King's reserve. Just two years back."

"That was to set-up a medical facility when Bazi plague hit our capital . I doubt any of you might even know as you were protected inside the Noble part of the city." Fiona replied.

Even without listening further, she knew, Scilias would point out that she does not have the right authority to do so.

"But an advisor has not been allotted with such authority. So do you accept the charges ?"

"Yes I accept" there was no way Scilias or in case anyone in this room would have accepted what she would have to say, so it was useless to even try.

Fiona looked at Scilias in disbelief when he took out a third paper from his pocket.

He had been planning it far too long, there was not a chance that he could dig so deep within weeks or even months and she was sure every member of this corrupt council had some role in aiding him.

"Around eight months back you took out a hundred gold shrilling from the King's reserves."

"And I kept it back, the very next month." Fiona replied instantly, she was losing patience with each passing minute.

"Yes you did. And as per the evidence, it was to pay for the ransom for the former head of King's own battalion Valdamir Belmont. Is it true ?" Scilias asked. The grin on his face had only widened with every passing minute.

"Yes, I did that to save him from the bandits. That fine young blood served this nation and I still could not believe you all choose hundred gold shrilling over his life." Fiora lashed out, finally, they had succeeded "And as per what I heard, his capture was not a coincidence, he was just a victim caught in the act."

Eight months back, when Valdamir the young head of the King's own battalion was returning from a mission, he was ambushed and then captured by a group of bandits. The bandits later asked for a ransom of a hundred gold shrilling, which the King as decided by the council and even his stepmother denied to pay.

"Fiona, we talk here on evidence and not on rumors here in this council. Out of all the people present, you should know better." Scilian spoke out loud and clear, followed by suppressed giggles and laughter of the councilmen. They surely were enjoying every bit of this meeting.

Once the noise had subsided Scilian took out a fourth paper.

Clearing his throat Scilian spoke- "You took out fifty gold shrilling just a few days before King Gustov was..... punished. Was there any specific reason for it too ?"

Instantly a child's face with thin light blue eyes flashed in front of her eyes as she recalled what the amount was used for.