Meet Mr. Bagaskara

The footsteps of the girl felt heavier, she paused and got back on her old phone, and there was only one place she could go now.

Mr. Bagaskara's house.

Jasmine Audrey, or call it Jasmine. A young girl of beautiful stature, white skin approaching paleness, and 6 '1 "(8cm) high had to leave her village, go to the city and run around looking for a job to pay off her family debt.

Since her father's company went bankrupt, they lost everything. The money the family had left, they used to buy a piece of the house in the village.

At first, things were going pretty well. Both her father and her grandfather worked on the field belonging to one of the residents there. Though the wages were meager, they never lacked food.

A few years later, however, her father became ill. Her grandfather had frantically sought loans to pay for his child's treatment, and a year later Jasmine's father died.

Overwhelmed by her husband, her mother decided to take her own life and leave Jasmine.

Of course, she was devastated. She was so traumatized that she had to go to the hospital for therapy.

It occurred to her to end her life as well, but when she saw the two vulnerable parents, her heart was broken. Her grandparents struggled to raise her, and they would not even eat to see her being treated properly at the hospital.

Jasmine realized how much they needed her. So she did her best to take care of her grandparents.

"Jasmine, fighting!" she shouted encouragingly for herself.

Then she stepped it up again.

Seven days ago, a debt collector came to see her family. And of course, the little family couldn't afford to pay back their mounting debts. The grandfather of Jasmine grows older and his body grows weaker too. No matter how hard he works, there's not enough money to pay off their debts. Until that debt collector threatened to take her grandfather as a slave if they didn't pay off their debt in a month.

That much money, in a month?

After boarding the bus, she reached a bus stop not far from the address she was looking for.

The Bagaskara's family home. It is said that the owner is the richest man in Indonesia.

Mr. Bagaskara is the sole owner of Nelada corp, a corporation that specializes in property.

Jasmine walked through the gates without hesitation after getting security clearance there.

Afterward, a young woman, who was the household assistant, escorted her into the palace. Big and shiny. The most beautiful and the biggest house she's ever seen. She was carrying Jasmine into a room.

There an old man was waiting for her. He smiled warmly from his chair.

"Good evening, Sir." Jasmine bends slightly and walks closer.

"You're here? Means you're struggling to get results," the old man said with a smile streaming down his face.

Jasmine took a heavy breath and nodded weakly.

"I don't have a single place to hire a high school grad girl like me, Sir." savory Jasmine.

Jasmine sat in a chair not far from the old man's.

Before that, they met at one of the furniture stores where Jasmine applied for work, when her proposal was refused, an old man approached her and gave her an address.

Yes. The old man is a Mr. Bagaskara.

He pity that beautiful girl was half frustrated looking for a job. So he's planning on giving the girl a job.

"Life is tough, dear!" Mr. Bagaskara's response.

"Are you hiring me?"

"Sure. It seems that you are well suited to be the handmaiden of my three sons."

A maid for his son? All right, no problem. Whatever she does to earn money.

"Don't worry, I'm used to cleaning and running the house. I can certainly do a good job."

At the mere mention of Jasmine, Mr. Bagaskara chuckled softly. It was as if the girl had just said a ridiculous joke.

"Oh, dear, don't you see? There are many maids here who take care of the house."

Jasmine was stunned.

Also true. So many maids are passing by in this house. But if not to take care of the house, what else is a maid's job?

"And then? What should I do?"

Mr. Bagaskara smiled and then straightened himself up. He put the girl in front of him.

"Before I explain what you do, answer me."

Jasmine nodded without hesitation.

"Are you that desperate? Do you need money? How much money do you need? What's the money for?"

After taking a deep breath, Jasmine told him what her condition was. About how desperate she was. How much did she need and her very old grandparents?

Understanding that, Mr. Bagaskara nodded softly. He backed a check of the most fantastic Numbers on it.

"What's this Sir?" screamed Jasmine in shock.

Her heart skipped a beat as she counted the numbers listed on the check sheet.

"These are the wages you will receive if you will be ministers of my sons. Also, after your task is completed, I will provide you with a rather promising salary job in my company."

Jasmine shakes her head in disbelief.

How can a maid earn that much money? Impossible.

"Here's the contract, you can read it first."

As fast as lightning Jasmine grabbed the sheet of paper and read it.

The point of that covenant is, Jasmine will be the personal maid of Mr. Bagaskara's three sons. Jasmine has to obey whatever they want. Whatever!

That contract lasted up to a year. During this time Jasmine was not allowed to leave his son's side without permission. There's not a day off. And if Jasmine violates the set of rules there, she will be fined for a fine of her own, or she will have to spend time in prison.

Does she have to do whatever Mr. Bagaskara's son tells him to do? But, what if they mess with her? Can she?

"That debt collector's leaves three weeks till that deadline. You can think about it first. Maybe if you try it again, there'll be a place that'll work for you. But, for your information, with your academic history like that, it would be impossible to find a job that pays enough money to cover your debts." Mr. Bagaskara said softly.

Jasmine firmly squeezed the tip of her shirt under the table. Her hands were shaking.

"My sons, their hobbies with night clubs and their loose association worried me. I'm afraid they'll catch a disease if they do it with some random woman out there. That's why I promised a girl to serve them, to make them feel at home. When I saw you, I was so sure that you were a good girl. You will bring neither sickness nor ill influence to them. You can be a good influence, or maybe you can change them. So please reconsider. I can increase your pay as much as you want."

The money Mr. Bagaskara offered her, was very generous. More than enough to pay off her family debt. But will she? Will she be able to face them later? No one knows how they'll treat her later.

However, her grandparents were all she had at the moment. Her grandparents were much more valuable than her pride.