
Nhola just sat on a folding chair not far from the bank of the Li river, she played with her cellphone and several times took photos of Joe who was busy taking pictures of the reflection of the hills and other views on the river.

She is grateful that Joe wants to change, being independent is good, no matter how rich you are.

Nhola only hopes that Joe will become a better person than before.

Nhola sighed and scowled at Joe who was still alone in front of her. Nhola used to think that people might stop gossiping about caste differences and so on if Joe changed, but it seems their relationship is no longer helping. Everyone blamed her for making Joe look like a bum.

Automatic motorbikes, unbranded bags, ordinary clothes that are not from designers, and all the things that Joe has changed.

Now, people call Nhola a cunning, unlucky fox.