Proposal's Drama

After letting Dinda off at the airport, Sam kidnaps Joe and invites the youngest to his office, under the pretext that there is something important he wants to discuss with Joe.

Joe was lying on the sofa leisurely while eating the snacks served on the table, while Sam was busy fiddling with his laptop.

"I can be fat for a long time here, !" said Joe who was starting to feel bored.

Sam glanced at Joe briefly, then smiled faintly. He then carried his laptop and brought it closer to Joe.

"Joe, Joe!" call Sam.

"Paan?" Joe only glanced at his brother.

"I want to apply for Jasmine!"

"Okay, just gas! Wait for my approval? What are you doing?" Joe gaped in disbelief.

Sam immediately hit the youngest's arm and scowled sharply.

"Listen up, you bastard!" sprayed Sam annoyed.

Joe himself smiled broadly and drew closer to Sam. Joe also looked at Sam's laptop screen.