Comeback, Please!

When Sam left, he only had one determination, which was to bring Jasmine back.

 Sam along with his father and two younger siblings went to Jasmine's house, intending to settle everything, end all nonsense about the contract and ask for the blessing of Sam to marry Jasmine.

 And of course it's not an easy thing, Jasmine's grandparents are still quite devastated by the reality they have to face about their beloved granddaughter.

 "I hope that you can be heartened by allowing me to work in Jasmine's place to pay off Jasmine's remaining debt. I will do whatever it takes to pay off our debt!" said Jasmine's grandfather in a weak voice.

 "I've been meaning to terminate the contract for a long time, but because Jasmine is a good girl, she still wants to be responsible by completing the remaining time stated in the contract. And we agreed long ago to employ Jasmine at the Joe cafe." explained Mr. Bagaskara.

 Jasmine's grandparents glanced at each other.