
Bara brought Dinda into his office, he sat Dinda on the sofa and sat next to his wife. Bara tightly gripped Dinda's hand which was so cold.

 "Nda..." Barbara called softly.

 Dinda was still silent without daring to look at Bara's face.

 "Hey, you see me." Bara asked, cupping Dinda's face and forcing her to look at Bara.

 "Kevin has been caught, Ms. You don't need to stay in the house anymore, you are free to go anywhere without being afraid." Just said softly.

 Dinda immediately scowled and shook her head weakly.

 "That's not what I'm afraid of!" said Dinda slowly.


 "I'm afraid of you, Bro! This is the first time I've seen you beat someone up! It's scary. Your face also turns ugly when you're angry like that!"

 "Hah?" Bara shouted in surprise.

 "If you are angry with me, you will beat me, won't you?" asked Dinda afraid.