The First Night

Jasmine stood in front of the cupboard nervously. On this historic night, she certainly wants to look as perfect as possible for her husband, however, she doesn't know how to make this night perfect for herself and Sam.

 Jasmine sat limply on the edge of the bed, she then called Dinda because she thought, Dinda must have more experience with something like this.

 "Why, Sis? The first night why did you even call people!" Dinda teased as the girl picked up Jasmine's phone.

 "Nda, I'm confused!"

 "Why are you confused?"

 "I want today to be perfect for Sam. But I don't know how."

 There was a low chuckle from the other side. Okay, Jasmine is so annoyed now, she is very serious about her question. Why did Dinda laugh at him?

 "Can you stop chuckling like that? I need an answer, Dinda!" cried Jasmine annoyed.

 "Just wear lingerie, turn off all the lights, and prepare viagra!" samber Bara who seemed to be near Dinda.