

"Well that's the thing, we don't really know how all of this happened... One minute we on the boat trying to escape the rain, the next... a wave comes out of nowhere and destroies the boat.

Me and him manage to land on shore after the impact sent us flying. We tried to look for other survivors but no one was washing up on shore. So we thought if we could find the scout group maybe we could get some help.

All we managed to find was this giant pit ", " Ohh and don't forget to tell him how we got down here", Bore said as he pointed at metal cargo containers. The trio walked towards and around them to only find a giant plastic certain and behind it was a large troop on Orangutans seated around what looked like a camp fire. The inclosed space they where in allowed the smoke to bind and settle.

" What the heck is going on?", Louis asked and Bore answered by saying, " Isn't it obvious by the sent of marijuana, there getting high in black box and there not even phased wich means they've been doing this for a long time". " Wait a minute that's the most outrageous thing I've ever herd! So you mean to tell me that both of you where brought onto this ship, by a bunch of monkeys?

Yep I'm dead! no other way that I can say it ", Louis said as he walked towards the edge of the ship. Jezebel was just as frustrating as Louis, but she wasn't willing to just seat there and die. "Louis if you're interested I could show you what we've been doing for the past few weeks, I mean just look at us our clothes, there dirty and torn up...let me show you what we've been doing", Jezebel said as she smiled.