Chapter 2. The new roommate.

So today im going to meet my new roommate for the first time. I've already mentally prepared myself. However I'm still very nervous to meet him. He is 20 years old and from what I saw online he doesn't really seem like the nice type.

I already bought a bus ticked. I walked over to the waiting place. It was windy, the floor was sticky and gross. There were a few people waiting aswell and they also didn't look like they had a lot of fun. Luckily, after having waited for what felt like only a minute, the bus arrived. It smelled like vomit and chocolate in there and the seats looked scruffy. I took the ice coffee I bought at the shop and opened it. I also spilled half of it on the ground because this bus driver can't f*cking drive. After about 50 minutes of nauseousness I arrived at my destination. When I stepped out of the bus I had a hard time standing up. The bus station here was a lot cleaner than back there. It looked nice, flower pots with freshly bloomed flowers in it, no dirty ground with gum on it and if you looked up at the sky you saw a beautiful clear sky with the sun shining rays of light on the ground.. I turned on my Google maps and typed in the address. "White Willow street 9"

I had to walk for about 4 minutes before I got at the house. It was a small house in a row full of the same houses. There were wilted flowers on the porch. I pressed the bell and waited.

"Hold on a second." An anoyed voice shouted. The door opened revealing a very handsome boy. Light grey eyes, short dark brown hair and from what I could see a very ripped body. He also wore black jeans and a white t-shirt. I didn't notice that while I was checking him out he closed the door.

After he closed it I slipped out a "Woa thats rude." I waited on the doorstep for a while until the door opened again. "Sorry for doing that, you are my new roommate correct?" He said in an apologizing voice. I nodded. "Okay, come in."

When I stepped inside I saw a very clean house. "So what's your name" He asked. "Zetan" I responded. "Whats yours?" "My name is Yuki" He said in a welcoming voice.

"Do you want to see the bedroom?" Yuki asked. "Yea that would be nice."

He told me to follow him upstairs. We got to a room with 2 beds. In trieng to make conversation I said "It looks pretty nice." "Yea I know right" He looked pretty proud of himself. He must have cleaned up this place.

"Do you go to college" he suddenly asked. "Yea, I have a college not too far away from here. I bought a year on the college because I wanted to finish my studies."

"Wanted? Do you not want to finish it anymore?" He asked with a concerned face.

"After I saw how much the studies cost, defenetly not." We both laughed. His laugh was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

I guess this will be my roommate.