
He is confused about why her behavior is like that but when he sees her gesture to blow another kick, he immediately stands up and runs towards the smoking location.

On the way, he thought she was crazy but that's already given since she's always like that.

As soon as he arrived, his jaw dropped because of the mountains of corpses.

On the top of it, a black ant is sitting, seemingly waiting for someone.

It immediately feels Ishigami's presence and can tell how weak he is so it doesn't bother to look at him.

Meanwhile, Ishigami is vomiting non-stop.

Seeing these mountains of corpses, he couldn't believe how gruesome it was.

Not just generic monsters in RPG games such as orcs, goblins, cyclops, giants, and slimes, it also has many Pokemon corpses.

How cruel!

Guys, it's Pokemon! It's Pokemon!

Fortunately, no matter how loud he was, the ant didn't look at him since he was no threat.

Several minutes later, he was able to calm down.

Meanwhile, from afar, Esdeath is observing the battle.

From what she knows from the lost island, Ishigami is someone who is still not stained by the reality of war and fighting.

Ishigami has an idea because of the video games but seeing a real corpse?

Everyone will feel withered because of the fear of death.

Fortunately, inside the lost island, Ishigami is immortal, no one can kill him since he owns the lost island.

He can control every life here—

Yeah, he can control.

Immediately, realizing his advantage, he tries to deeply connect to the lost island so that he can use his position to kill the ant.

Unfortunately, after several minutes have passed nothing happened.

He is confused but it didn't take that long because the system pops out.

It says that he can't use his command on a creature that does not belong in this world.

He immediately gasped when he learned this.

How can someone infiltrate here?

Did someone find this place?

I thought this was my personal space.

Many thoughts have been roaming his mind but he couldn't do anything about it.

Rather than waiting, he decided to get rid of this ant immediately.

Even though his feet are trembling, he takes out his new sword and puts it on his shoulder as every main protagonist who wields a broadsword does.

Fortunately, it is quite light so he could use it with one hand.

Unfortunately, this sword is just a normal sword and not a magic sword or something like that.

Anyway, getting rid of this ant can give him some experience in battle so he decided to give his all.

Without any hesitation, he jumped as he was about to slash the sword to the ant.

Unfortunately, an inch before the sword hit the ant, he couldn't feel his body anymore.

Blood flies as he falls down to the ground, can't do anything for himself.

He saw his body split into three and was confused about it.

However, he couldn't think anything about it since his consciousness was falling faster.