Dungeon: First Floor

Slash, slash, and slash.

As someone who was born as a king, the ant didn't let undeads close to its body.

It didn't matter in the grand scheme, but these undeads needed to know their places.

Unfortunately, the ant takes a day before it realizes that, unlike the monsters that it defeated last time, the undead have no intelligence.

It wouldn't stop attacking the ants since they don't have any will in the first place.

After realizing this, the ant used his jumping ability to get out of the muddy swamp.

When it lands, it has already arrived at the dungeon.

The tomb-like dungeon is wide in all four directions and enclosed by tall walls surrounding the tomb, with two entrances being the front and back gates that have tombstones without any patterns on them.

There are lots of statues of goddesses and angels dotting around the cemetery, some of which could have been regarded as a piece of art lingering about.

In addition, there are four mausoleums or tombs in the four cardinal directions, with a large mausoleum in the center and an entrance to the dungeon holding eight tall armor-wearing figures.

However, the ant has no interest in looking at these as it walks.

There are still some undeads that spawn and instantly attack the ant, but the ant doesn't bother to stay here and kills them as it enters the dungeon.

As soon as he arrived in the swamp area, Ishigami couldn't run fast because of how strong the suction force of the mud was whenever his foot was submerged.

Unlike the ant's situation, the undead spawns less and is not that aggressive anymore.

Because of that, he was able to walk peacefully but slowly.

Arriving at the entrance of the dungeon, he couldn't help but wonder why it looked so familiar to him.

In the end, he didn't think for now and just entered.

The dungeon has ten floors.

The first, second, and third floors have the same name, called the grave.

These floors are the catacombs.

They consist of subterranean burial chambers where several dozen undead wander around in the darkness.

Walking on the first floor, Ishigami is somewhat confused because he feels that this place is a labyrinth.

Some undeads are spawning, but they aren't attacking him since they are technically living beings.

As the owner of this world, Ishigami has control over the life and death of someone who was born in this world, and spawning is technically a way to make them born.

Several minutes later, he still couldn't go out on the first floor.


Suddenly, he felt an earthquake.

He feels that it comes from below the floor.

'So what now? '

He feels irritated that he is quite useless at this moment.

The dungeon boss, a.k.a. floor guardians, is very strong; however, that doesn't mean they are undefeated.

On the last floor of this dungeon is the core of the lost island.

If he didn't stop the ant, it might become the new owner of the lost island.

The lost island's consciousness is good to have a new master, if not for the fact that passing ownership costs almost all of its life force.

It needs to sacrifice 400 years just to pass ownership and the lost island only has 500 years to live.

That's why the Lost Island's consciousness is helping Ishigami at all costs.

Finally, he arrived at the staircase to the next floor.

He sighs in relief since he doesn't know what time—yeah, he can look at his system.

It's already 7 in the evening inside the lost island, but he didn't feel the change of time inside it.

He started to catch up the ant two hours ago.

Learning this, he couldn't help but think about how long it took to find the staircase to the next floor.

However, a thought suddenly comes to his mind.

He goes to the map function, and he facepalms.

As expected, why didn't he think of that?

The map shows the layout of the dungeon floor he is currently on.

He wanted to die, so he stabbed himself.

Not just because he wanted to die, but because he needed to refresh his body.

As expected, the pain is still there, but unlike last time, it didn't last for many hours.

Right now, the more he kills himself, the more the pain time is getting shorter, so after half an hour, he stands up and goes downstairs.

(A/N: Real life truly sucks. I apologize that the updates will be very slow. Seriously, real life truly sucks.)