
Kuoh Academy.

Ishigami Yu is currently walking to the house complex owned by Nakiri Alice in Kuoh Town after finishing school.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Because he reborn, everything appears impossible, but everything feels like a dream.

He is afraid that one day he may wake up in a hospital, covered in bandages, as a result of an unknown accident he had before reincarnating.

Fortunately, this isn't a dream, although he still has the impression that everything is a dream.

Anyway, if he kept thinking about it, the feeling would grow stronger, so he just stopped.

Looking down the street, he can see that he is now extremely close to his place.

This house complex has been assigned by Nakiri Alice for him, but he refuses to accept it, thus it remains hers.

He simply requested a small room with enough space for him to roam around because he will only be in Kuoh Town for two weeks.

He has the funds to upgrade to a larger room, but it would be a waste of money, therefore he did not do so.

Nakiri Alice sighs in disbelief that he turned down her offer, but she doesn't press the issue.

Corona is the name of the home complex.

He will be in room 106 in two weeks.

When looking at this small room, it certainly is small.

He estimates that this room is half the size of his room at home.

Anyway, he just moved here yesterday, so his belongings are already in place.

He got out his laptop and decided to watch a movie while eating.

Once that, he microwaved the bento he had taken from the fridge and began eating while watching after the heating of the bento was completed.

Shinomiya Kaguya's mind is still floating inside her room; she doesn't want to think about what happened today.

She couldn't believe what she'd heard from Nakiri Alice and Kasumigaoka Utaha, after all.


Time traveling?

Tale Universe?


Just a manga?

Just an anime?

-"Eyes of Death is a spiritual attack that can kill anyone in this world. It happens that you awaken this kind of power in the future. Unfortunately, you are not suitable to use it more than once a day because your mana is lacking."-

She suddenly remembered what Kasumigaoka Utaha said.

A power?

Are they joking?



She couldn't believe it.

-"For the time being, our major goal is to make you one of us. As you can see, this future portion of yours is no longer alive. You attempt suicide after learning of his death. However, you did not complete it in the end. Unfortunately, due to an accident, you tripped and fell to your death on the rooftop. It's just as well that your future self has regrets and did not pass on to another side right away. She gave me a piece of herself before she went to the other side as a keepsake."-

Considering suicide?

Did Kasumigaoka Utaha say she considered suicide?

That is not something she knows about herself!

Shinomiya Kaguya is not the type of person who would consider committing suicide for the sake of another!

That's why she assumed it was all a sham since they intended to bring her along with them.

After all, isn't that their major goal right now?