
The previous night.

Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't sleep in Shinomiya's mansion.

Even now, she couldn't get her mind off the facts she'd discovered.

She stood up and decided to give her some space to think.

She inhaled and exhaled, making herself at ease.

She immediately hums after taking a breath, much like Buddhists do when they try to pray.

A phone call came in the middle of her self-reflection.

"Isn't it a lovely night? Are you still up? "

When she recognizes a voice, she quickly creates a helpless expression and responds.

"It's late at night; why are you calling me, Nakiri-san?"

On the other end of the phone, Nakiri Alice is simply having fun, imagining how Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't sleep because of what she learned today.

They finally got to the issue after some pleasantries.

"What is your decision?" "

She has made a decision, yet she is hesitant.

If she later regrets it, she can't take it back because she already said it.

Shinomiya Kaguya chooses her words carefully; after all, she is the princess of the Shinomiya Clan, one of Japan's most powerful families.

It is the nature of their world for people to live up to their words… well, it's just a front but she's quite pure to know the other side of this world so let's not talk about it.

That's why she hesitates; after all, there's no cure for regret.

Her thoughts return to the day she met Ishigami Yu, the time she spent with him, and the day she finally discovered her feelings.

She makes her decision after some thought and informs her.


Shinomiya Kaguya is tired, but she decided to attend the academy today.

She is currently walking along the street in her uniform.

She ran into Shirogane Miyuki, who was riding his bike, at a stoplight.

They converse for a few moments until the red signal turns green.

Shirogane Miyuki offered her a ride, but she gently declined.

He was sad, but he didn't go any further and turned around.

They agree to meet later, and Shirogane Miyuki accelerates to full speed.

After a few yards, a car abruptly stopped beside her.

The car window opens, and she sees who is inside.

"Good day, Kaguya! "

"Did you learn not to just address people by their first names, Nakiri-san? Also, because I am your senior, you must respect me."

Nakiri Alice is the passenger in the car.

"Here you go again."

Nakiri Alice sighs and goes on.

"Although you said that, in this relationship, I'm one of the people who became his first batch of women, so I'm the senior here."

She stated it in a childlike tone, clearly pleased with herself.

Shinomiya Kaguya clenched her fist and wanted to punch her right now.

That's correct!

She finally raised her white flag.

She eventually joined Ishigami Yu's harem, and the main reason for this is the lingering sense of sorrow she gets from Kasumigaoka Utaha's visions.

Shinomiya Kaguya, on the other hand, regrets accepting this relationship because of how haughty she acts.

"Hey, don't get mad at me. By the way, this is a forced change topic, but I'm still going to do it. Anyway, we're going somewhere after school, so don't go home right away."

Shinomiya Kaguya's left eyebrow raised.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a secret for the time being. Anyway, do you want to ride with me or continue walking? "

She didn't think about her response and simply responded.

"Simply go first. For the time being, I require some privacy."

"All right, see you later!"

The car moves as the window closes.

Shinomiya Kaguya only stared at the car as it drove away.

She kept walking for several minutes longer, catching up on the time before the school bell rang.






Author's Note:

"BALANCE: AS IT SHOULD BE" is out for it's first chapter.

And thanks for the 4 person who voted for overpowered.





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