Cant even buy underwear

Leo had a hard time digesting new information but eventually, after repeating her words many times in his head he was able to have a preliminary understanding of the cultivation levels. Suddenly he had a realization,

'Wait, I could manifest my soul in the mortal realm freely without reaching the master level. Seems like my soul mark is not simple.'

'System what really happened with my soul when I traveled to the mortal world?' Leo asked curiously in his heart after Lisa stopped her explanation.

[Replying to the host, according to the rules of the universe a soul can't enter the mortal world without reaching the soul master realm where one can manifest their clone. But your soul is different as it can manifest without even entering foundation level thanks to your soul mark.

When your body entered the portal it remained in the system space as your soul manifested in the mortal world. After you completed your work your soul naturally fused again with the body and entered the underworld. The host must not try to manifest soul in the underworld as it would be polluted by the corrupt energy without the protection of soul alter. Only it can be done for a limited time in the mortal world. As the host advances in cultivation, time would naturally increase correspondingly]

Leo was astonished at the new information. He silently decided to never reveal anything about his soul mark to prevent attracting any calamity to himself. The more he learned about the secrets of his soul, the more scared he became. Manifesting soul without even starting cultivation is not a small matter. Leo had a hunch that if the word got out even the Deity experts would start a blood bath to snatch his soul.

Suddenly carriage stopped abruptly. Lisa's expression also became solemn. Both of them slowly got down from the carriage and what greeted them were a bunch of hooligans holding various cold weapons like swords, sabers, spears, and so on.

Scar-faced youth in the middle of the group holding a sword clicked his tongue as he scanned Lisa multiple times from top to bottom. No one bothered to give a single glance at Leo and everyone's eyes were locked at various parts of Lisa's ample body. Even though Lisa was used to this, it made her very uncomfortable. All her playfulness in front of Leo vanished and only coldness remained.

Lisa asked impatiently "What do you want?"

Scar-faced youth scanned her a few more times and gulped his saliva and said teasingly "Of course you in my bed tonight."

Everyone laughed obscenely forming various dirty jokes and hand gestures.

Lisa's eyes became colder and colder. Without giving any reply she chanted something and a magic staff came to her hand out of thin air. In a matter of seconds, the surrounding temperature turned freezing cold. Smiles on the hooligan's face came to an abrupt stop and scar-faced youth sensed a massive threat and immediately used people around him as a meat shield.


Out of ten people, six people turned into ice popsicles. The rest of them survived by using others as cover. There was no such thing as a brotherly relationship in the underworld. When faced with a deadly crisis first thing people do was to save themselves and think about others if they have time. Without bothering to say anything remaining four also scrambled to save their pitiful lives.

Leo silently cursed at the audacity of the running youths 'It's not a sin to dream of holding a beautiful flower but one needs to have the corresponding capacity to survive the thorns that come along with it.'

Lisa didn't bother to chase the running youths and returned to the carriage as if nothing happened. It was not the first time Lisa faced a bunch of hooligans who didn't know the meaning of the word death. It was extremely normal in the underworld. If you were strong enough you can do whatever you want, even break the rules but, if you are weak then better follow the rules of the strong obediently otherwise what waited for them was death. The carriage driver shivered at the sight of ice statutes in front of him but quickly came to his senses and hurriedly drove the carriage away from the scene.

Leo didn't ask any questions which surprised Lisa quite a bit. In fact, she started feeling annoyed as time passed at his nonchalant attitude. Finally, she couldn't hold her thoughts anymore and asked "Why are you silent? Aren't you gonna ask anything? or are you scared by any chance?"

Leo turned around from the window and looked straight into Lisa's eyes without blinking and said leisurely "What do you think?"

Lisa's heart suddenly fluttered for some reason looking at his blue eyes and handsome face. But her mind was elsewhere so she didn't notice and asked curiously "It seems like you have come across a fair share of killings in your previous life. That explains your nonchalant attitude. But you must be careful in the underworld. Unless necessary you should not kill anyone, you never know who you will offend. A momentary pleasure may turn into a disaster later."

Leo nodded with a smile "Sister Lisa you need not worry. I know this principle very much. Instead, can you tell me about this magic thing? It is clear that you are a soul apprentice but how did you get your affinity for ice?"

Lisa was finally satisfied by the curiosity and explained "I already told you that one needs to either go in a warrior path or mage path after reaching soul apprentice level. Naturally, as you can see, I am a mage with ice affinity. Not anyone can gain an affinity. Two things determine whether you will get any affinity or not.

One, your foundation. When I started building the foundation I used to consume natural treasures with ice affinity and slowly integrated them into my soul altar. When I formed my soul alter later by reaching apprentice level, the soul alter became capable of converting my soul energy into an ice element.

Second your external body. My external body is a special body that supports ice elements. As I started opening various acupuncture points in my body my clone in the soul altar became increasingly well versed with the ice element.

Your body is also an ice element body carefully selected by Eva and her father. Remember I told you that we are vassals of the tortoise sect. Tortoise sect is known for defense and ice element is their signature element. Similarly, dragon sect, phoenix sect, and tiger sect have their own signature elements which are thunder, fire, and wind respectively."

Leo didn't mind having an ice element body, any way it was free. Moreover, he could change it anytime if he wanted using sufficient crystals. Leo asked another interesting question that surprised him in the short battle, no, massacre.

"Sister Lisa, how did you summon a magic shaft all of a sudden?"

Lisa chuckled and pointed to her earring "It's called storage ring. It is available in various shapes and sizes as per the convenience of the user. It can be bought in the underworld market. But it is costly for the current you."

Lisa thought of something and handed out a small ring. "Here, although it's not much. Consider it as my meeting gift to my new brother."

Leo was surprised by the generosity of the lady. Without any pretentious attitude, he took it and casually put it on his finger. He silently engraved the kindness and vowed to repay it hundred times later when he had the capacity.

"Thank you sister," Leo said seriously.

Lisa liked his attitude more and more. She also liked direct people without pretentiousness. Although the storage ring was costly, she considered it as an investment as she saw something in his eyes. Years later Lisa would realize how important that small investment she made on a hunch.

"Leo, apart from the storage function, the ring can be used to connect to the underworld market. Let me show you how."

Lisa moved closer to Leo without any reservation. Leo felt the strong assault of jasmine smell. His heart started beating fast as Lisa held his hand and pressed the ring. The soft-touch of her hand, her unique fragrance, and their close contact directly sent Leo's senses to heaven and Leo involuntarily gulped a mouthful of saliva. One can't blame Leo's current reaction as he was a virgin in his previous life.

Lisa noticed Leo's change in body language and teased "My little brother is still a man after all."

Leo blushed and retorted "Whose fault is that!"

Lisa didn't comment further and only gave an innocent smile. Leo's attention changed to the projected virtual screen, the size of a notebook. Lisa changed the settings and the language became English. Also, she helped create an account and added herself as a friend.

Leo got a hang of the virtual interface and started tinkering here and there to get a basic mastery. It was not difficult to master as he came from Earth. He was surprised at the range of the products and the number of sin crystals needed for various important products.

Leo sighed saying "I am too poor. I can't even buy underwear."

Lisa covered her mouth and giggled.