Chapter 9

'Nightmares wrap thier fingers around the souls at Night,they try to pull you deep within a World that's Ruled by Fright. The dark thoughts follows you,

but never win the Fight. They have to escape through the looming shadows with the help of dawn's first night.'


Dad leaning against the hallway leather recliner with his eyes closed and huge bags , was the confirmation that he did have another Nightmare. His dark brown eyelashes kissed his slightly sun burned cheeks. Lips a bit parted, he looked exhausted, as if he has not been sleeping for nights.

I lifted my right hand from my side to touch his short forehead which was almost covered with his dark brown curls. Sensing my presence he soon opened his eyes, and a small sad smile tugged up his lips. The smile, that  assured me that he did had a nightmare.

Heaving out a sigh he straightened his back and stretched himself like a small child, causing me to smile slightly.

He always did this, just to assure us that he's fine. When he's not.

He lies like an average person do.

An average person tells four lies a day ..or fourteen thousand and sixty lies a year for a total of eighty eight thousand by the age of sixty and the you know what is the most common lie ? 'I'm fine'. (A/N it's quoted ).

And he does the same. He lies.

Dad, had these nightmares once a week or sometimes every other day. Or maybe be every day.

But, he hides.

He lies and he smiles.

He hides because he don't want us to be worried for him, specially mom in her eighth month of pregnancy. Me,

because he thinks I already have too much stuff to vex on, and Harry for being an emotional wreck!

I don't know what theses nightmares were all about. I just knew that he was drowning himself in them.

I always urged him to spill it up. But he never uttered a word about it.  Just said he has done something very bad to which I wonder how can a pure soul like him who starved himself a whole  day just after seeing a small child begging near the road.

The person who can go to any extent just for a small smile of mine.

Dad started massaging his forehead in slight circles with furrowed brows. The moment causing me to meet his gaze.

"Nightmares?" I asked raising both my eyebrows.

He lifted his perfectly shaped right eyebrow mocking my expression.

"You do know you can't lift a single brow like mine? " he completed his line sumgly, subtly dropping the subject.

I rolled my eyes with a smile then sat on the handle of the recliner. Seeing my actions he made some space and soon his hands were on my shoulders pushing me towards his chest and leaving a small kiss on my head.

My heart churned seeing his distress and I rested my head on his shoulder.  "You know, you can always share anything with me right?... and I won't tell anyone like how mom does?"

"Speaking about your mother!.. I told  her not to tell Harry that I had eaten his ice cream but your mom being a spilling machine said the moment Harry entered the house" he huffed like a small child.

I sighed against his chest, and left the matter, but then it hit me. Troy usually visit our house at weekend.

"Is Troy already home?" Desperation dipped in my every word.

"You know, I'm sometimes jealous of that guy.  You care about him a lot. "

His eyes narrowed in mocking way.

"Oh dad! I should be the one to say that. Since he's the only one who gets  most of your attention in this house.

By the way why are you not after him like a lost puppy?" I asked slightly amused by the situation.

Dad loves Troy to death. Following him like a lost puppy would be an understatement to his actions,che's like a tail to Troy. He even offered Troy to live with us. But Troy being a boxer didn't approve the ordeal. I'm sure he did that because of dad's obsession toward him.

"Well, I left them both to have their time " he answered slightly disappointed with his own decision, and suddenly blushing red. And I know the reason behind those flushed up cheeks.

"Gross even the mental  picture makes me gag!" I fake gagged imagining the mental picture. I don't know till when it will be printed in my mind. That mental  picture when I, by mistake opened Harry's room, and found him and Troy grossly making out.

That mental  picture! *gag*

"It's ok dad he's twenty now !" I patted his shoulder with tight lips, and then added " And they have full right to do that gross!"  I gagged again, and started making my way toward the staircase.

"Boys use protection!" Dad shouted loud enough that I'm sure Harry and Troy heard him.

And of course poor me!

"Seriously dad!.....ughhh! I'll pretend I didn't heard that" I screeched in response with an eye roll,which I usually do in my his presence.

"What? Can't a dad tease his only gay son" he asked dramatically.

"Oh dad stop being dramatic like mom...and speaking about the teasing part.... you can tease Ellenor in future" I dissented.

"Oh C'mon What about now ?..For Ellenor I'll have to wait for what like twenty years!....and speaking about you? if you'll ever have sex with anyone,that poor boy Hueson will have to wait for another thirty years or his whole life for that, and till that time I'll be like what?sixty?...gah! You" He huffed at the end.

I just gapped at him wide eyed . I opened my mouth to say something but closed when words just couldn't form on my lips.

"Hueson can never do that with me in his whole dam life!" I said each word with a grim.

Seriously that was all that you came up with?

"Who can't do what" Troys words boomed from the upper staircase. He was leaning on the side wall, with hands crossed over his stomach with a known warm smile playing along his lips.

I rushed over his six feet frame in pure fervour. "Woo! Scarr your scaring me that way" he said wide eyes keeping his hands up.

Reaching I crossed my hands with a triumph smirk, and said.

"Your always scared of me".

"In your dreams" he said rolling his light green eyes slightly smiling while removing his perfect curls from his forehead with his fully tattooed hand. He was wearing a white cut sleeve

T-shirt that showcased his almost covered tattooed body. He totally looked just outoff bed or just out off make out. His perfect deep brown curls now slightly disturbed.

His smile deepened with a glint in his almond shaped eyes making his jaw more appealing on his greek god like face.

"I have something that will drop your tiny jaw on the floor" He said grinning ear to ear, ears that were are both pierced. Turning around for me to follow his lead he stopped near my room opening the door.

An inaudible gasp escaped my lips and my jaw did literally dropped, but with an awe.