Chapter 13.1

'I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then, I asked myself the same thing'

Like every other time I sat inside the library during the lunch time. I didn't felt like going to the cafeteria.

Since Me and Xaviar didn't have classes together she was not there to force me into the cafeteria.

So, here I was like many other times chewing my peanut butter jelly sandwiches with a book open in front of me,which was untouched due to throwing myself into deep thoughts of how I'm going face Xaviar when she'll ask me, where I was during the whole lunch time.

It was not that I was avoiding her. I just don't want to mix myself in people so soon.

I wanted to take small steps.

You need to be content with small steps.

That's what all life is right?