Chapter 19

"One more word Scarr and there will be your lips in replacement of your chin" He said in a raspy voice.

"Now tell me what shit you told Xaviar about me?" He asked uttering each word in a grating voice.

"I told her that you are gay and thought that Elliot was too, so you tried to kiss him, which he refused and when he rejected you, you took that revenge by doing that to him" I completed in one whole breath.

He dropped me on the floor the moment he registered my words. "Why the F**k you told her that?....And how did she buy the whole shit!" He asked snapping each word in my direction.

"I showed her the gay pictures I took of you and Harry ...and she bought my lie" I said smiling tightly and happy dancing inside my head at the present picture of fuming Hueson in front of me.

"Your playing with poison'll die the minute you taste it." He said, boring his deep cole black eyes into mine.