Chapter 28

"Stay still Scarr! Otherwise I will have to remove your shirt for the further inquiry " He stated with a scornful smile. I stopped struggling, the moment his lips left those words, and inched back for him to continue his search. 

He loosened his grip from my waist. 

His warm hands started roaming from my sides to my back. My breathing got heavy each time he touched, making my stomach to do few flip flops. I let out a heavy breathe when he removed his hands from my sides.

He lifted his right hand and rested it on my collar bone, grazing it gently with his thumb. 

"Are you done touching me?" I asked boring my grey eyes into his black one. 

Blinking he removed his hand from there and inched himself back

"I guess You don't have anything, because the black colour bra your wearing underneath seems empty." 

This Kinky bastard!