Chapter 30

After reaching for work at Fultan. I quickly made my way towards my spot, after changing into my usual working clothes. 

I was not going to wear Hueson's given working clothes, since yesterday immediately after reaching home I called Ms Mikayla and told her that I will not wear any dress other than the usual. She being a humble lady didn't contended on anything and said yes at once. 

I realized that, there were more workers missing when compared to yesterday. 

Baithany sighed beside me and sat on the stool that was kept near the counter and started massaging her forehead which wrinkled due to her furrowed brows. She looked dog-tired with her few strands spilling out of her messy bun that was now loosened a bit. Her cheeks were slightly flushed due to exhaustion. She smiled the moment her baby blue eyes pinned on mine. 

I smiled back and asked coming by her side "Alright there?"