Chapter 43

"Are you indirectly asking me to show you my di*k?" Was his only reply that made my blood boil like a newly erupted volcano. 

With flushed cheeks in fury, I didn't said anything and made my way out of his place. Out of what looked like an exit door to his house I stepped out and soon cool breeze hit me like a bucket full of ice water and in an instinct my palms were on my shoulder and I started creeping them to gain some body heat. Confused with my way I kept walking towards the gate. 

"You're going in the wrong direction" said Hueson, whom I felt behind me. 

Ignoring his words I kept walking to God knows where. 

"Stop acting like a kid Scar and let me ride you" He said mockingly with a sexual innuendo. 

That made me stop in my tracks, and I turned around in complete choler.