Chapter 49

The sleeping disorder kept him consumed so much, that he couldn't attend the school. Soon after few days he was back to his jovial self. After that day, he didn't went to School and completed his studies at home. 

But the sleeping disorder continued from time to time and soon we all got used to it. Harry and I would spend nights speaking all gibberish which resulted him fake yawning, to make me convince that he felt sleepy. But the truth was always written on his forehead. 

He would bug me continuously to sleep and I would do the same to stay awake. 

And now today. I was going to do the same thing. 

Turning on my heel towards my room. I called Troy on my way. After few rings he was up for the call. 

"Hey! Dolph!" He chirped, the moment I pressed my phone to my ear. 

"Yope!" I chirped back, with a crooked smile on my face and entered my room.