Chapter 69

He loosened his grip just to fold them at my back, and thrashed himself against me like other times. Pressing his six foot like form, he dipped his head in my ear, and tsked near my earbuds " I said you not to act like a bitch infront of me Scarr! You'll have to pay real good one day, and trust me on that " 

I pressed my spine against his hands, that were firmly holding my wrists at my back, just to hurt him a bit. But he being a hefty person didn't bulge a bit making my attempts to rot in hell. 

"Move Hueson we both know we can talk like civilised people " I reasoned getting agitated by our close proximity. 

Hearing my plea he jerked himself off from me in few seconds "I don't give a F*ck what shit your gonna tell her but for now...go and tell her the truth "

"I said you before, I couldn't come up with anything "I asserted knitting my brows to justify myself. But the truth was something else. I better knew that I did that just to abase him.