Chapter 73

And I wonder how she's buying the shit!. But then again she believed my lie too. 

Hueson's gaze didn't left mine. It was pinned as if want to tell me something through his piercing black eyes. 

Soon he was infront of me, clearing his throat he brought the bouquet to his chest. 

"I..I..Scarlet will you be my girlfriend?"

Those words came out gruffly from his pale lips as if asking me a death wish. 

I pursed my lips slightly, just to process each of his words and wandered my gaze around the whole cafeteria. Every pair of eyes were now pinned on us. Clearing my throat I met Hueson's gaze who was trying to convey something from his ireful eyes. 

Ignoring his grumpy self I cleared my mind and said straight

"I'm sorry but I don't date kids Hueson, so my answer is a Big No!" 

The fake smile that was stick on his facet soon altered into his signature glare. His hold tightened on the bouquet making it squirm in process.