Chapter 76

"I know but I want to give it a try and that's why your perfect for this... The continuous bickering will be a start to a lovey dovey talk....other girls always try to get in his pants, but you don't even bat your eyelash at him....and you heard about the say?...Opposites attract!" She ranted throwing her slender fingers in air and then added. "And I'm just asking you to pretend...if somehow he falls for you there will be a bit of chance in changing his sexuality" 

It took a lot for me to say no to her. But the look in her eyes made me sign my death with my own hands and the words came out in a gruff tone. 

"Fine I'll date Van Hueson Likhoskr"

The whole day my mind dazed out to the words I obliged to do for Xaviar's sake. Not to face Hueson became the main initiative of my day. Afraid that I might face him, I would directly make my way to the respective classes without even entering the locker room.