Chapter 90

Everybody roared in yeyy and started thinking of their own question. I started biting my lips to come up with at least one question.

"Ok I'll be asking first question "a girl 

Who sat beside celeb asked a sultry voice. "Rate your lust from one to ten"

My eyes popped out of my socket the moment I registered her words. And, on queue blood crept up my cheeks in mortification. 

Hueson came and sat beside Celeb and his eyes soon found mine the minute he settled himself on the chair. A small smirk tugged up his lips seeing my mortified state. 

"Ten!" Celeb was the one who answered first proudly with a big cheeky smile.

"Ten!" The obvious answer came from Hueson who didn't took his eyes off mine . Averting my eyes off him I concentrated elsewhere. 

"I guess it's 7?" Xaviar answered fully unfazed by the whole situation. And I realised it was soon going to be my turn.