Chapter 98

Rolling my eyes to cover my alleviation I supplied "it's just a small talk dad, I'll be back soon" With that I left the house without changing. 

Hueson eyed me for a minute then shrugged his shoulders without bothering to ask anything. Walking towards his bike he flipped himself on the bike. And started the bike after wearing his helmet, not even bothered by my presence. Working my brows down in confusion I asked dumbfounded.

"What about me?"

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot to give you this" He deadpanned, whilst fishing out a note from his pocket and throwing it in my direction. "Here! That's the address we're suppose to reach" He added nonchalantly making my already knotted brows to reach my eyelids in pure choler. 

Pausing for a moment he winked in my direction then added with a scornful smile "See you at the nightmare Heartfelia" He mocked and left in flick of seconds, with a roaring sound.