Chapter 100

There in front of me, was a huge haunted house with large brown wood doors that made it look like a horror castle. The skeletons on door, more looked like blood drinking lamia with their bushy like maroon form. The lurking darkness behind the stare way, were as if warning me about the awaiting profound death. The whole building giving me the idea about it's quality of being old, making it look ten times more haunted.

Where "NIGHTMARE HAUNTED HOUSE" Was boldly written on top of the house.

"Welcome to the living NIGHTMARE 

Heartfelia" Hueson whispered huskily near my ear. 

Hueson brushed his shoulder onto mine. The action causing my daunted state to come out of it's delusion. Pursing my lips I started fidgeting with my hands in agitation. Turning around while walking he beckoned me to come inside with a huge smirk on his facet.