Chapter 103

Hueson vibrating chest which was too close to mine brought me back to my senses and I glared at him nastily. Soon his small chuckles turned into deep guffaws making my aggravated state burn into flames. 

"Your face was-" He stopped in between his expressed mirth and started laughing again. 

"You were sweating as if we were Fu*king each other" 

The words making me to push him back away from me. But the action causing him laugh more throwing his head back. "You were scared kiddo " He mocked me, while smirking in process. Peeved by him I started walking further, not fast, but slowly. 

"Bhoo!!" He boomed into my ear slightly making me flinch in my stances And I replied his actions by giving him my famous grottiest glare. Smirking fiendishly he started walking in front me. 

Meaning: Follow me otherwise I will f*king leave you here alone.