Chapter 105

"I thought she was naked!" Hueson said rolling his eyes as if only disgusted by her clothing. 

"Don't we bath naked Heartfelia?"

He asked cocking his head in my direction and smirking in process. And in response I gave him a mouth-eaten glare. Still smirking like a diddy he started walking further. 

"Tch tch you entered a wrong place " a husky voice made me snap my head in the dummy's direction, who grinned showing her blood coated teeth and I cried out a long shriek strolling back to the entrance with a ragged breath. 

Soon Hueson came back laughing hysterically like a maniac. 

"I can't come inside..I'm leaving " I declare shaking my head in an unapproved. 

He kept his hand on either side of my head and said "Fine I'll listen to you. 

But in return you'll do what I'll ask you to do"

"I'm not having sex with you, if that's what you want me to do" I said the minute those words registered my brain.