Chapter 125

He looked drained off with his now appearance. Making his way inside the room with a small smile in my direction, he was soon standing beside me. Draping a hand around my shoulder, he said. "You should leave. I'll take care of him. Mom's crying a lot from the whole ordeal." 

"Yeah he's right." Troy Boy agreed sitting up straight. 

"Fine!" I heaved a sigh. 

"Well, I brought few Skittles for you." Troy said with a slight smirk in my direction. 

"Like seriously? I'm the one on the bed. If someone's going to have them, that's me!" Spoke the epicure self.

Shaking my head while heaving few chuckles I stood up and left a small kiss on Harry's cheek. "I'll leave you two parrots alone." I said recalling Xaviar's mock. 

They both just blushed turning all deep red. Leaving them behind I left the room quietly. 


Not able to wake up early, I again missed my School. It was around 12pm when I woke up being called by my mom.