Chapter 146

My inner instinct warned me, and I started getting agitated again.

Not wanting to think more I resembled his action enjoying the colourful atmosphere. The sudden jerk again caused me to tighten the grip. This time we were not facing the peak, but the either side. Repeating the same process, the roller coaster rushed towards the either side again making us up side down making me holler in excitement. Stopping for just few seconds in the air being us in an up side down position it again jerked towards to starting point. The action so fast that it didn't gave me a minute to breathe, and we already reached the start point.


"I didn't expected you as a person to enjoy rides ." Hueson said sounding amused. Eyes trained on his food, he didn't lifted his head while saying those words.

We were sitting outside a restauran. The atmosphere around, was placid and cool. The sky blanketing us with it's calm breeze, caused a shiver down my spine.