I turned on the shower letting the cold water run over me to clean myself when I heard the noise outside the bathroom.
"So, finished?" I asked as I cleansed myself of releasing that group of vampires.
"Yeah, I just had the problem that they got too weak!" Sage commented and opened the bathroom door taking off her clothes and walking into the shower.
"Jesus, love, wouldn't you be the one who's too strong?" I laughed commenting on the fact that she faced these wolves when she was just a few years old "You're already 900 years old now, there aren't many out there capable of standing up to you"
"That's no excuse, I could feel a powerful wolf close by" She complained entering the box leaning against me
"powerful how much?" I asked curious and worried as I backed away for her to get in the shower.
"in vampire terms, I believe it's 400 to 800 years old" Sage spoke relaxed and grabbed the soap to scrub herself
"Love, turn over there, i'll help you with that as a reward, you deserve it" I took the soap from her hand "Why such a big discrepancy"
"Ok," Sage turned his back as he leaned into me, "The wolf didn't seem to have his powers active, so I doubled the amount of power it emanated"
"Have you gained weight?" I ran the soap over her belly, cleaned her stomach muscles well, and went up to her breasts, massaging them. "Are you sure the wolf's power isn't at its lowest and we have to triple it?"
"How rude, of course, I didn't get fat! Vampires don't get fat" Sage complained sullenly as she let out a few moans for me to squeeze her breast "Yes, the wolf didn't seem to be hiding its power, it just wasn't active"
"Well let's be careful with that wolf then" I hummed and ran my hand along her ribs and up to her armpit "Raise your arm"
"Okay, are we going to bring this wolf to our side?" Sage asked raising her arms and excitedly I grabbed her arms up high holding them with one hand in the air "Finn what are you doing?"
Her voice sounded scared and even scared, though I saw something of excitement in her. but I can't nail
"Reward," I said confused and already losing the will, I took it on a bad day? "Don't you want it?"
"The point is, you caught me off guard!" Sage broke the conversation by shaking her ass and bending over in front of me putting her head against the wall.
"so you do not want?" I asked softening the birth in her hand
"I never said that!" She responded by hiding the excitement in her voice and spoke in a naughty voice. "Didn't you want me to touch the dominated victim?"
"No, I don't like the victim/aggressor game, I prefer the submissive wife" I smacked her ass"Here I come"
"Come" She replied with the change of tone already from surprise and fear to a shy desire
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Sage yelled as I put little Finn all in her "That's the wrong hole"
"Sorry, do you want me to take it off?" I stopped moving while looking at her waiting for the answer
"Don't stop! keep going, I want the new experience" She screamed with a face of pain and pleasure "Come on with everything"
It seems that in her 900 years, Sage was exactly conservative in sexual matters.
Well, so I have something of her that no one else had to make her mine completely with the best fuck of her life.
I landed a smack on her ass that made her scream as I moved quickly putting little Finn in and out of her ass.
We continued like this all night making sure I left my brand in her. Whether it's my handprints on her ass or the feeling of the first Anal.
I'll make sure her ass becomes a dug tunnel today so she never forgets our first time in an anal
In a veterinary room, a man and a woman were standing in front of two very cruelly mutilated bodies.
The man was dark-skinned and bald with pointy ears and a chubby body, wearing a medical gown. He didn't look more than 30 years old.
The woman was fair-skinned and middle-aged 40+ years old in appearance.
"Alan, what do you think happened?" Thalia Hale asked, running her hand over the body of a man who was covered in wounds and pales without blood. "Was it the hunters?"
She had a sadness in her eyes that was covered in seriousness.
"Thalia, you're see this here" Alan pointed to the wound in the corpses' chests.
"Yes, it's a horrible wound, probably from some equipment" Thalia nodded thoughtfully and bit her lip.
"That was the reason for death" Alan put on a glove and put his hand inside the wound of one of them, calling Thalia's attention to it "tore out the heart in a single blow"
Thalia's eyes widened as she saw that Alan's hand fit into the hole in the corpses' chests.
"Alan, are you saying that someone ripped their hearts out with their bare hands?" Thalia asked in surprise and shook her head "Alan they were alphas, their skins were like steel, who in the world can pierce steel"
"I don't know Thalia. I just know that you can't tell if they were killed before or after the torture which leads us to another problem" Alan grumbled looking at the wounds with a pained face "These were not tortures done by some amateur or even someone good, this was a technique that surpasses the military of countries with dictatorships"
"so someone with an exactly specialized torture technique, maybe, is, exactly dangerous, I don't think of anyone but hunters to have someone like that" Thalia complained biting her lip "He was my little brother, I raised him and Peter since they were little, I raised them with love, I raised them without hurting them or hitting them, Alan, no one had the right to kill them, I…"
"It's okay, Thalia, it's okay!" Alan hugged Thalia putting her face against his chest. To hide her crying and give her comfort" I'm here with you, it's going to be alright"