"So? What's your plan?" I asked as I sat down in my chair
Sage was by my side in her seat
Around us, there was a round table with 10 people. All supernaturals, I recognized the majority species that werewolves, but I didn't recognize some
"We'll try to negotiate," Thalia said
"Sister, there's no negotiation, they're attacking us, we have to attack back" A young man yelled knocking the table
His eyes glowed bright yellow.
Strange all, wolves in the room are alpha, why is he a beta?
"Peter, calm down, let's not do anything hot-headed," Thalia said.
Her voice was low, but still, dominant causing the boy to lower his head.
I looked around the table and many of the other alphas were wary of her decision.
I could smell a riot from afar.
I looked at Sage and she smiled back at me. She also realized the situation.
"sorry sister..." the boy apologized
so he and Peter? I understand, he was a rebel from the start
"Thalia, I understand you in the matter of being hot-headed, but if it continues like this we will be exterminated" An old woman spoke calmly
Oh. She has a sense of power… Maybe an elder of the family! let's see how Thalia handles it
"Auntie… I understand your haste, but, we have to remember that going to war with the hunters is never good… they always get more people for the cause… it's an endless battle" Thalia replied calmly.
"so we just have to kill everyone, the hunters, the recruits and the sympathizers" A man yelled hitting the table
Ugh, what a dumbass guy. Doesn't he know that starting a genocide will only make the situation worse?
"Marcus… calm down, carrying out a massacre will not help us, it will only make things worse, it will attract attention and attract more hunters" Thalia raised her voice just like Marcus
The two looked at each other intensely and the two made their red eyes shine starting a fight of wills.
I can feel the riot in the air once more
"Tch" Marcus grimaced and sat down
So he lost the battle of wills?
I don't know how it works, usually, a vampire just unleashes his magical powers by activating his powers by releasing some kind of aura from him.
Thus, he imposes his power on others. Shape-shifters must have their way of doing this.
It's just weird why I didn't feel the power of them.
"How about we try an ultimatum?" I said raising my hand
"Who the hell are you to give newbie suggestions?" Marcus yelled getting up and trying to grow on top of me
I just huffed and rolled my eyes
"Oh yours" She ran to me
It was slow every step of his seemed to take years to complete, I bent over to get up, but Sage stepped forward and already stood in front of me.
She kicked Marcus in the leg making him lose his balance. Sage took advantage and grabbed Marcus' head and threw it on the table.
Marcus' head hit the table so hard that the table swung loose some pieces of wood from his legs.
"Don't you dare threaten my man, you filthy animal" Sage growled, squeezing Marcus' head on the table?
Marcus whimpered, trying to move Sage's hand from his head, making his nails grow. But, Sage realized that and squeezed harder.
For the first time since I arrived in this world, I saw someone cry like a puppy
At the same time, all the wolves at the table stood up making their eyes sparkle. They were tense and ready to attack.
I looked at Thalia, expecting some action from her…but, I could see in her eyes that she was very shocked looking at Sage.
Shit! She may have discovered something.
"Sage, STOP" I yelled
"Love?" Sage asked me confused
"Sage stop now," I said looking at her seriously
"Tch, you got lucky!" sage mocked
She waved her hand throwing Marcus against the wall at the back of the room.
The wall peeled off from the impact and was left with some crack marks.
Marcus was completely lying on the floor and moaning.
Everyone looked at Marcus in surprise and I used this time to draw their attention to me.
"Guys, sorry for the inconvenience! my wife has a protective sense about me, I hope you can forgive us," I said lowering my head and looking at Thalia who was still looking at Sage
Her eyes were blank and shocked, Dammit, she discovered, plan B!
"Elder, please forgive us" I turned my attention to the old woman.
"Well, you don't have to be so polite, you're forgiven! It was my son who started it… luckily, he's alive" The old woman spoke with a tone of calm and wisdom
"Thank you, Elder" I thanked
"So what do you want to do?" The old woman asked taking the lead
"ultimatum, we give them a last peace offer and a declaration of war and let them choose," I said
"Oh, how are we going to do this?" the old woman asked
"We hunt those who hunt us, their motto, their greatest weakness"
I smiled and stood up puffing out my chest.
"We'll make them live up to their motto, one of them killed a wolf that wasn't hunting them, we'll make them execute the killer if they do, they lose loyalty from their rookies if they don't they lose respect in supernatural society" I shouted to everyone
"Good idea!" The old woman said in a strong tone
She imposed herself by rejecting any criticism against my idea
"Thalia, what's your opinion?" The old woman asked firmly
"Oh, um, yes!" Thalia replied flirting
"it's decided, let's make the hunters suffer" the old woman shouted
"Alan, what is a kyuketsuki?" Thalia asked entering the vet clinic with a complicated expression
Alan looked back and the person he was escorting also looked at Thalia.
"Satomi what are you doing here?" Thalia asked
"just passing some of my betas at the doctor" Satomi replied wryly
"I understand" Thalia replies
"Kyuketuki never heard of this kind of being! It looks Japanese, Satomi, do you know something?" Alan asked
"I know what the word means, but the creature itself didn't exist, it's a legend" Satomi replied
"a legend who was in town and nearly crushed an alpha's head with one hand" Thalia growled
"Wait, to have enough strength to nearly crush an alpha's head would need a lot of power, enough…!"
"Enough to rip an alpha's heart out of your chest" Thalia replied.
"That's impossible, vampires don't exist" Satomi took the lead.
"Vampires?" Alan and Thalia spoke at the same time completely confused
"ahh, you found out" A man's voice entered the room
Everyone looked and saw a Finn with a grimace on his face and a hand in his pocket.
"Unfortunately you will have to pay for being so perceptive" Finn lamented shaking his head
"You know I liked you guys," Finn said
"Oh you, you killed my brother and dared to pretend to be my friend" Thalia yelled
"well, the world isn't perfect!" Finn joked
"I will kill you" Thalia yelled
Her eyes glowed red and her body started to change-making some clicking sounds.
"Unfortunately I'm already dead" Finn commented indifferently and appeared in front of Thalia
"Sleep" He punched her in the stomach making her cringe and stop the transformation.
She fell to the dog on her knees and passed out
"Now that the biggest threat is gone, let's talk?" Finn looked at the other two in the room who were in shock.
He smiled in victory, his plan was going according to plan despite the inconvenience