"FREEZE," Afena screamed in the first tongue so that Ol would not move. Then, knowing that her son would counterattack after dodging Ol's attack, "MERCYHOWL, STOP."
The lorsul had already lunged towards Ol, and his enormous jaws were already closing on the hunched form of the god, but he stopped on command, and jumped away defensively, landing on all fours and crouching, ready to pounce back forward if necessary.
It wasn't. The god remained in place, as Afena knew he had to. Mercyhowl eased the battle tension of his body, and stood to his full height calmly.
"Is he your prey, mother?" he asked.
"He is." Afena didn't even think about it. "Take Krenen and Irimena safely to the settlement. I'll catch up with you there. I'll be a day late at most."
Mercyhowl made that cruel, unsettling chuckling sound. "Enjoy."
"Wait," said Krenen, letting go of Irimena and rolling over to stand. "What's happeneing."