Barks in the Night

"What is your name?" asked Afena.

Still prostrated, the olive skinned priestess turned to look at her with wide eyes and mouth agape. "I--no. I'm sorry, please."

"I won't hurt you," Afena told her. "Stand up and tell me your name. Your goddess is no longer here."

Shyly, fearfully, like a hunted hare sticking its head out of a hiding place, the priestess got on her feet. "Urtil."

"Urtil. And hers?" Afena gestured with her head at the unconscious woman.

"She's Kana."

"Kana. Urtil and Kana. Listen very carefully, Urtil, and tell this to your friend when she wakes up. I am very aware that you move against me and mine. As long as you help, provide, and accomplish, I don't care. The moment you become a detriment to this settlement, the moment you hurt or stifle others in their aim to live as they want to live, I will have no qualms about making sure you are never able to put a foot anywhere near us."