Maidens and Bones

The novelty of being as strong as ten men put together had not grown boring to the armed forces yet. As they advanced through the woods, they pushed trees down just because they could, rolled boulders out of their way just because they could, and killed bears in one-to-one combat just because they could. At the very least, the killed the bears were carried along to later make use of their furs, and to eat their meat.

They were able push themselves to march much more than any normal human could as well, and were surprised at the distance they were covering each day. Treni had not blessed them with speed, which made their advance still relatively slow, but the men were still astonished at how much ground they covered.

"We'll be there by tomorrow night," said a warrior sitting at a fire with four other men around it. "Can you believe that?"

"Of course I do. The goddess has blessed us. Her favor makes anything possible."