A vital Mentor

( Chanakya's POV)

Ronan was practicing fire spells in the training grounds at 1 am, in the dead of night. It was already past student curfew, and legally, he should not be there. However, Ronan was so lost in his practice that he had forgotten about the curfew.

He was not suited for fire spells due to only having a 5% fire elemental affinity. The fire spells took extremely long for Ronan to materialize, and even then, the power displayed was not up to the mark.

Had it been anyone else, they would most likely ignore their minor elemental affinity, especially when it was a basic affinity compared to their major superior affinity.

In Chanakya's eyes, Ronan was wasting his time, energy, and potential by learning fire spells when he should be mastering thunder.