A vessel worthy of a Hero

[ 16 years old ]

"Anything else you need young master?" asked my butler Giorno.

"No, we already have everything necessary to make the base homunculi. Place the soil of Ireland's Ley lands on top of all the bones, I will fuse them with bio-alchemy on a molecular level." I say.

I have enough knowledge to fuse the elements of a soil with the elements of this bones, soil might not have DNA which is kind of my specialty because of mom, but as a respectable alchemist, not being able to do this much would be pathetic.

"Very well young master."

"Also, get the philosopher's stone made from the dead apostles, I will be using that one for this body." I tell him. While most of my other philosopher's stones are mostly made out of prisoners, there are also guards and some innocent mixed in there. To be honest I don't want Diarmuid feeling guilty about the people suffering in his stone.

"Very well, and where shall I place it young master?" Giorno asks me.

"Leave it at the table for now. I will combine the bones and soil first. The philosopher's stone will be added afterwards." I reply.

As I start the process of fusing the bones with the soil, I can't help but hope to attain the results I want to. Having the soil from his homeland bathed on energy from the Ley lands should grant him some of the benefits that being on his homeland would normally give him, at least that is what my research has shown.



As I clap my hands and bring them down towards the circle that contains the blood and soil, sparks of electricity fly out and the circle brightens up. I can see the soil moving in the bones' direction and merging with them as I wanted.

After it is done, the colour of the bones has changed from completely white to slightly brownish-white, but this was expected so there should be no problem.

I feel the texture on the bones and take a deep breath while focusing on the energy coursing through them, making sure everything is as expected according to the calculations, I decide to move onto the next step.

"Bring the stone now." I tell Giorno.

As he places the stone in my hand, I can't help but be amazed at the sheer amount of energy it contains. Truly an amazing thing.

"Thanks." I tell him.

As I place the stone in the middle of the ribcage, between the position the lungs should have, I keep imagining the final result. A truly amazing thing this will be, the greatest vessel out of all those prepared for a Holy Grail War.

"Now, let's start working on the final stages of a vessel's preparation." I say to no one in particular while wearing an excited smile on my face.



[ 5 months later ]

"Young master, are you sure you don't want to leave today either? You have already missed 7 classes and 3 days of archery practise." said Giorno as soon as he came into the lab.

"Yeah I know, speaking o which, you have continued practising on the 'ultimate shield' ability right?" I ask him.

"Of course young master, but you shouldn't change the topic. It is important to maintain regular practise in order to achieve perfection and, while you are the best archer I have ever seen, you are still not on the level you want to be. Besides, it is important to leave once in a while, nothing good comes out of staying locked up in here with receiving sunlight." giorno says while trying to convince me to go out for a while.

"I can't, not when I am so close to figuring out how to develop this new spell!" I reply from a corner of the lab.

Giorno get closer to the corner from where the voice came from, only to find countless papers with either different formulas or drawings on the human body spread all over the floor, the tables and even pasted on the walls.

"I brought you some apple juice, would you like for me to put it somewhere else?" said Giorno once he realised there was nowhere that wasn't covered in research papers.

"Yes, leave it on that table, and while you are at it do you mind bringing bringing the car around please?" I replied while pointing to the table on the other side of the room. "I need to leave to where the test subject are located since I ran out of them already." I am quite close to the result I am hoping for from this new spell and now is the time of testing, so going to finalise the experiments is the priority right now.

"Very well young master. To which one do you wish to go this time?" he asks, I sometimes go to buy test subjects, but this time I can't waste time on that.

"Let's go to my dad's lab, I already told him I was researching on a new spell for my magic crest and he said I could use things in his lab for it as long as I replenished them. On that same note, remind me to send someone to get as many test subject as we use during the experiments today." I reply while getting out of the corner I was cooped in and stretching.

"I shall do so, young master." Giorno answers.

As we make our way to my dad's lab, I can't help but think about the upcoming war. If I am not mistaken it should be either next year or the one after that. I already have most of the preparations for the war ready, from the vessel and catalyst to summon Diarmuid to a strand of the Golden Fleece that I will also use during the war. All I am missing is one additional vessel and I will be truly ready for this war.

"We have arrived young master." says Giorno while opening my door of the car.