Ignoring invitations

I stayed up for the rest of the night in a small office the mansion had with Giorno. I had been thinking carefully about the invitation to the church among other things and had finally arrived to a decision.

"So, what should I tell them?" asked Giorno while getting ready to write a letter of reply.

"Say that, since we can't currently trust the church's neutrality in this conflict, we will have to kindly reject the invitation." I say while walking back and forth. "But if, once the war is over, they still wish to discuss something, then we can make an appointment."

Going to Church was a dangerous move. Regardless of how neutral they were supposed to be reality was completely different, and honestly I wasn't even curious about why they invited me. It was either a trap or they would ask me to give up on the war before talking about possible partnerships. Either way I didn't need to go for any reason whatsoever, besides, there is no need to talk to dead men after all.

Heading downstairs, I went out to the courtyard, where the light of dawn began to illuminate the garden. I sat down next to Medea, who was currently watching Diarmuid and Artoria fight.

"Making sure that the inversion went well?" I asked.

"Indeed." she replied while nodding. "You said that maybe his fighting style would be affected by the inversion, making him more unrestrained during his battles, but he appears to be fine. Slightly more vicious than he used to be, as he keeps going for Saber's weak points and exploding her wounded leg, however he is still the same."

"Interesting..." I mutter under my breath as I continued to watch them fight. Diarmuid had the advantage and kept pushing Artoria to her limits, however my wife didn't give up either and kept countering his attacks.

It had been hours since they began fighting according to Medea, Artoria was trying to find a way to compensate for her lower agility and Diarmuid was trying to see how the inversion affected his fighting style.

The best way for Artoria to compensate for her lack of agility would be by predicting the enemy's movements. She wouldn't have to do any unnecessary movements since she would already know where the attack will go. If only there existed such an ability... just kidding. I could indeed give Artoria the 'ultimate eye', however it would be after the war.

Unfortunately, I didn't plan to get Artoria originally, so I didn't make a vessel for her and it would take too long to get a proper one ready, besides the fact that I would need to investigate how to give a body to an already summoned servant and if this would even work for Artoria, who is different from other servants.

Now that the problem with Angra Mainyu's corruption was over, it was time to focus back on the war. I had two options in front of me, I could either go after another servant or I could wait for them to come at me. If I wait I would be undoubtedly safer, this entire mansion is part of Medea's territory after all, and with Kiritsugu gone I don't have to worry about it suddenly exploding.

Berserker will continue to go after Archer and Rider will probably go after Archer as well, I doubt my professor wants to deal with me first and Kariya probably doesn't even care about my existence. If it goes down like this then I wouldn't have to do anything other than wait until Archer kills everyone else before going to fight him, however this also has its own problems.

For one I do want my professor to die a proper death, and I am doubt Archer would care at all about this. Secondly, I want Artoria to kill Berserker herself, I am almost certain it should be the last push for her to leave everything behind and focus solely on me. The third and last reason is perhaps a bit childish, but I do want to fight, I want to defeat everyone and then take what I want with my own hands, or in this case with the hands of my servants.

"I already know where Rider is." said Medea, focusing her attention on me and disregarding momentarily the ongoing battle.

"Where is he?" I ask back.

"A hotel downtown." she replied. "Though I am not sure when they will be leaving. I left some familiars there to keep track of them, but I can't tell for certain if they have been discovered or not."

"Good." I say. "And what about Berserker?"

"That is a bit more complicated." she said with an annoyed expression. "The master keeps moving around without any pattern, the only thing that I managed to understand is that he occasionally goes to a mansion. Honestly if you hadn't told me that he is an idiot I would think that the guy is amazing at hiding his tracks."

I chuckled a bit at her words. "Well, I am certain that he will go after Tokiomi, so if we do want to be the ones to take him down we need to do it fast."

"Are you sure that we even should take him down? We could just wait until he gets killed by Archer and then jump on Archer after he is tired." said Medea.

"I doubt he could get Archer to be even remotely tired." I say. "In fact jumping on Archer like that would be worse, because if he indeed was tired, or just angry, then he would summon his stupidly broken sword and be done with us."

"Right..." muttered Medea. "Ugh, why do we have to fight against a guy with a sword that can destroy the world? That makes no sense at all..."

"Indeed." I replied while chuckling. "But I don't know if we can go around complaining about unfairness when we literally have so many advantages against others. Honestly, if he didn't have that sword he wouldn't stand a chance at all, or have you forgotten that we all have extra lives?" I asked her with an amused smile.

Medea showed a small smile while laughing a bit. "I suppose you are right, we do have a lot of 'stupidly broken abilities' as well." she said, imitating me.