Origin 1/3 R-18

"Anything you need, my king?" asked Artoria once we entered my room.

"Yes." I reply, pulling her in for a kiss.

After separating, I went to grab the suitcase made by Zelretch and opened it. Pulling out a bottle, I grabbed two of the cups in the room and placed them in the nightstand.

"This is a bottle that has aged for over one thousand years." I say while opining it.

Artoria looked at me with a slightly bewildered expression before smiling a bit. "And you need help finishing it?" she asked.

I chuckled at her words. It was slightly strange seeing her joke, it was undoubtedly not something I expected from her, however it is most certainly a welcomed surprise.

"Not exactly." I tell her. "I want your help in developing my origin."

She looked at me slightly confused. "Are you sure Caster is not better for that than me?" she said.

It was clear in her face that she didn't enjoy admitting that Medea would be more useful for this, however it was very nice watching her swallow that pride if it meant serving me better.

"Not really." I tell her while shaking my head. "I need to control my origin while letting it run wild. It doesn't make much sense while explaining it, but it is much simpler than it sounds. I need to push it to its limits and break past them, I need to shape it in a way that suits me and master it completely."

Artoria remained silent as she heard my explanation. I was sure that she wasn't completely following my explanation, however I didn't need her to understand what was going on, I just needed her to help me.

Pouring down the alcohol on the two cups, I handed one to Artoria and kept the other to myself.

"I want you to loose yourself in my desires, my dear wife." I say, raising my cup for a toast.

Artoria smiled slightly at my words and touched her cup with my own while nodding. "Anything you wish for, my king." she muttered before gulping the alcohol down.

I did the same, drinking it in one go.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, we both placed a confused expression.

"Isn't something supposed to happen?" asked Artoria.

"I thought so." I replied, turning around to the unicorn between us. "What do you think, mister unicorn?"

"I wouldn't know." it replied, shaking its head. "I am not drunk."

"Well, I am not drunk either." I said before pausing abruptly, there was something very wrong about this...

"Unicorn?" I mutter in disbelief, looking at the animal with a confused expression.

"How did you dress yourself? You have no hands!" I exclaim. It took me a few seconds to notice, but there is absolutely no way for a unicorn to put on a suit and a tie by himself.

The unicorn didn't get to answer my question, since Artoria jumped in my direction and knocked me over before licking my face.

"Ahhh my king, my dear, my darling..." she said with flushed cheeks. "You said something about releasing your desires right? Let me take care of everything then! I will fulfil them all..." she continued while biting my neck.

A smile appeared on my face as I got up and threw her to the bed. "Well then my beloved, you will have to take responsibility for those words." I said while jumping into the bed as well.

"Wait!" said Artoria as I began kissing her neck, turning to the unicorn with a curious expression. "You can't be watching us. It is obvious by your glorious crown that you are royalty but you are still not worthy of my husband."

"Huh?" said the unicorn, looking at her with a confused expression.

A surprised expression appeared on my face. "That's right!" I exclaimed, focusing on the unicorn. "You can't see my wife you pervert!"

Getting up, I opened the door and threw the unicorn out, who left with a dejected expression.

Focusing back on my wife, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up before undressing her. She took my shirt off as well and continued to kiss me until we got back in bed, this time both naked.

Red and black sparks began appearing in each kiss I gave her, making both moan in pleasure as we continued to loose ourselves in each other. I felt something strange within me, like a fire was lit inside my very soul, warming my mind and making me both relaxed and excited.

"Ahnhhh! Keep going my dear!" exclaimed Artoria as I continued to thrust my shaft in her, my hand pressed firmly against her butt cheek.

Moving my head to her neck, I bit it, leaving behind a mark of my teeth which was momentarily covered in red sparks. "I would have kept going anyway, my dear." I whispered in her ear before biting it as well.

Grabbing her nipple and pinching it, red sparks flew out of my hand and stuck to Artoria. I felt the fire inside myself grow, slowly consuming everything about me and leaving nothing but the desire to seek more pleasure behind.


"Do it harder!" she exclaimed aroused.

With a smile on my face and a tint of sadistic pleasure, I pinched her nipple once again, making more sparks appear. The fire inside me continued to grow, burning everything about me.

Turning her over, I opened her legs in front of me and inserted my shaft into her once more, this time kissing her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Things continued to escalate as we both came over and over again, slowly loosing ourselves to the carnal pleasure and surrendering our minds to it.

As my mind kept going numb, I felt the fire within me condensing into a single spot in my chest before exploding and moving to my forehead, where it entered my third away and began burning it.

"Arghhhh!" I screamed as I fell off the bed because of the pain, trying to tear my forehead open and get the fire out because of the pain while screaming.

I felt the flames consume me in an endless wave of agony that threatened to devour me whole.

Almost instinctively, my hands turned into claws and teared into my skull, in hopes of getting the fire out regardless of the cost. It killed me doing this, however I had already grown used to death, and so I instantly returned to the realm of the living, red lightning surrounding my body and healing my wounds while the pain didn't go away at all, instead it chose to follow me to my death and then return with me back to life.

Subconsciously, I activated all my Mystic Eyes as my body overflowed with mana. The mansion was being teared apart and Artoria, who up to this point had been trying to help me, not understanding the situation at all, was forced to continue trying while simultaneously avoiding my line of sight in a desperate attempt to get me to stop killing myself.

I could feel the fire latch onto my mind and entangle itself with it in a dance that was making me go insane.

After seconds that felt like years, the fire came out of my eye and wrapped around my head like a crown of thorns, burning away all of my desires and thoughts and making me stop moving while staring at the floor with dead eyes. My eyes and claws deactivated as I entered a trance where I was neither dead nor alive, I simply 'was'.

As my consciousness was pulled away, I felt the cold embrace of darkness welcome me, along with an unexpectedly familiar mythical beast.