The Root

I found myself staring into everything and nothing at the same time. My mind being re-made, my body being changed into something that suited me better, my soul materialising, and throughout all the process, the swirl in front of me remained unchanged and constantly fluctuating.

'An impossibility that contains everything possible.' I thought as I stared into what I could only describe as the centre of the universe, or perhaps the multiverse, or perhaps existence.

Souls, memories, magic circuits, minds and immortality. I felt each and every one of them be burned into my very existence.

I felt myself ascend into a realm completely different of what I was expecting.

My mind was still drawn by the swirl in front of me, however I didn't move. I didn't try to touch it, nor did I desire to have it.

In all of its perfection and imperfection, the swirl in front of me was just... the source of everything. I have no interest in the source when it is as boring and confusing as what I am seeing, even if it is entertaining and makes complete sense.

My origin completely clashed with the idea of obtaining everything like this, it was as if my very existence was rejecting what stood in front of me, and perhaps that was why it was so fun, so amusing to watch, so desirable...

I found myself being pulled away from the swirl as I began to regain focus of what was going on.

"So that was the Root..." I muttered. "How... weird."

The amount fo impossibilities occurring at the same instant defied logic, and everything that I saw clashed with itself, showing two opposites at the same time and treating them as equals, while simultaneously showing equals as opposites.

"Are you alright, young master?" asked a familiar voice.

Looking around, I found myself back in the room where I summoned the grail, around me stood Giorno, Diarmuid, Medea and Artoria.

"Yes." I replied, bringing my hand to my face. "I am just a bit confused, that's all."

I took a deep breath, ignoring momentarily my surroundings and focusing on myself instead.

The first thing I noticed was the most evident thing I gained... permission. Permission to operate outside the laws already set on the world.

Moving onto my own soul, it took me far less than a second to come to an awful realisation.

"I am..." I muttered in disbelief. "Disgusting."

Everything about me made no sense.

Souls were supposed to be made of perfectly weaved strings containing memories, magic circuits, etc... however I was more like the drawer where people keep their cables and phone chargers, in other words I was an absolute mess.

I was merged alongside my Mystic Eyes and, worst of all, my philosopher's stone, which latched itself to my entire soul and, while it provided me with unbelievable mana quantities and extra lives by reattaching those strings it latched itself to when I died, it also completely destroyed the harmony my soul should have had.

My eyes were not much of a problem, I would simply need to rearrange the magic circuits that connect them to my mind, the philosopher's stone on the other hand... yeah, that will have to go.

Of course not having the philosopher's stone might sound bad, but the third true magic gives me near infinite amounts of magical energy and true immortality, basically the two things a philosopher's stone does but better, way better.

Well, not everything in my soul looked ugly, in fact there were some things that looked rather... pretty, such as my family crest, my attribute, my elements and my origin.

Each one of them was actually properly weaved into my soul, especially my magic crest which was the only one added. It latched itself into some of my memories and magic circus specifically, though that makes sense since it is supposed to pass down experience and magic, however it did all this without disrupting the harmony a soul should have.

My attribute specifically looked genuinely gorgeous, glowing on my soul and bringing balance to it, though I should have expected that, seeing as my attribute is 'Salvation'. Yeah, fate really sees me as the saviour or something huh? Not just my name but also my attribute was really weird... well, I am indeed a saviour.

I save everything that I desire from spending an eternity without me and instead grant it an eternity with me.

Bringing my attention back to my soul, I came to a decision.

"Time to do some changes..." I muttered as I closed my eyes, focusing on myself.

My body began glowing for a moment before it was instantly destroyed, my philosopher's stone perishing alongside it and releasing the several dozens of souls that remained in it.

Now I existed as a soul, a high-dimensional one that didn't actually need a physical body to interact with the material world. I was basically and overpowered ghost that got all the perks from being a ghost while also keeping all the perks of being a human.

I smiled as the magic circuits the connected my eyes to my soul became smoother, better made and more refined. I don't know who said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but I am starting to wonder if they were a sorcerer or something.

Mystic Eyes in particular latched themselves to the soul as soon as they appeared, regardless of wether they were artificial ones or not. It was mainly because the eyes, or should I say the senses, are the way the soul interacts with the real world. The body is more of a way for the senses to interact better, a simple pile of mass meant to move as the soul commanded while the soul itself was guided by the senses.

Truly fascinating...

And all this power... it's just crazy. I had already received the rank of Pride with my invention of the philosopher's stone and there were already discussions about wether I should be made a Brand because of all my alchemy contributions and spell creations, which would mean I would have been the youngest in history, surpassing my own teacher.

Yeah, my philosopher's stone is the closest thing to a true resurrection which is theoretically completely impossible, unless a true magic is used, so it was a really big deal.

Hmm, thinking about it, shouldn't I have gotten a Sealing Designation or something? Perhaps a warning... whatever, I will look into it when I get back.

Now however... it was meaningless. How could anyone possibly rank someone so far out the grading system that they didn't even operate on the same rules and principles?

"Young master?" said Giorno, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a concerned expression.

I smiled at his words. "Yes, I am all better now." I said. "Having the way you view the world radically change leaves you confused for a moment... but I am used to it now. In a way it feels much more natural."

"I see..." he replied. "In that case, I am glad."

I nodded in reply before looking around. My main focus was the cup, which still shone, though its light had dimmed considerably.

I still hadn't dealt with Angra Mainyu, I simply had Medea sever its connection with the grail itself momentarily. Originally I had several contingency plans for him, ways to hopefully make my wish without his involvement, but I always planned to fully deal with him once I had the third magic. Now however... I honestly didn't know what to do with it.

"Sigh, what a shame that I don't know how to cleanse someone on your level yet." I said, staring at the cup.

That annoying servant was really weak, but also nearly immortal because of the time it spent in the grail. It was honestly relatively close to someone with third true magic and while it was impossible for it to actually get it, it is still hard to cleanse without very proper preparations and more experience at using my powers.

Moving forward, I grabbed the cup once again. While it didn't have enough energy left to do something amazing, I could power it up just fine for now.

Looking around, I felt a bit of pity for the house. I may have had Tokiomi killed and all, but leaving the house destroyed for Rin to come... well, not even I am that much of a d*ck to let an orphan have to deal with that as soon as she finds out her dad died. Of course I don't pity Rin, especially since she should have her mother, if anything I just saved her mother, so you're welcome Rin.

"Restore the house to how it was 2 hours ago." I said, torching the cup.

Everything began going back as if time was reversing, walls were formed out of the rubble and doors were remade from the broken wood.

"Well, let's get out of here." I said as I watched the grail disappear. "Now, it's time to go back and be awesome."

"What about the grail, young master?" asked Giorno, confused because I had already said previously that I wanted it for myself.

"I will come and get it in a decade." I said. "As much as it annoys me, I have neither a place to keep it nor a way to cleanse it... besides, it will be a good way to pass time. I have an eternity to obtain everything, so there is no reason to move as fast as I used to I guess." I muttered, trying to find something good about the situation.

Staring at the moon s we walked outside, I couldn't help but feel strange at my new powers and all that came along with it. "Sigh, now it's time to see how being a sorcerer is like while living in this garden of sinners we call the world."




Author note:

Double chapter today, kind of to celebrate the end of this volume I guess. Originally the story was supposed to end with Gilgamesh killing Dio but well, things didn't go that way so now you will have to put up with like five more volumes of this novel.