What are you to each other?

"You evil person." Sam looked shocked as he saw the die hard disk in her hand.

"Well, it's just a movie! What are you on about?" Jane asked as she dangled the DVD in front of him.

"You know very well that it means much more than that." Sam cried.

"What's happening here?" Henry asked, as he looked all confused by the altercation.

"Well, here's the thing, Henry. I have strict rules when it comes to movie night. Never touch die hard or Deadpool unless it is Christmas season or Valentine season respectively. It's because-" Before Sam could finish his sentence, Henry jumped.

"Cuz they are seasonal movies, I get you. Gosh, I thought that I was the only one who followed that tradition." Henry chuckled as he said that.

"Well, you got another one in me, don't worry about that." Sam gave out a thumbs up as he said that.