Off the internet

Sam sighed. He didn't know why he was awake early in the morning on a Sunday, when he really didn't want to wake up that early. He had fully expected to wake up really late in the evening or anything after the kind of day he had, but for some reason, after staying awake for the most part, he still managed to wake up early in the morning.

And since none of the people who spent the night with him were awake at that point, he was stumped. He could've annoyed Jane and woke her up, but he knew that she would literally kill him if he did that. So, he thought otherwise.

Then he thought of annoying his next door neighbors. However, he knew for a fact that they won't even know if a massive earthquake happened while they are sleeping. So, even if he tried doing that, he would be left at the front door looking like a fool. And therefore, he thought of not doing that.