Chapter: 16 New Technology!

Lu Li's idea is to add a lock to the genes of the new macrophages, which can also be called a gene lock.

Of course, it is not the gene lock in the infinite flow novel.

It restricts the expression of genetic traits.

In fact, the gene lock itself exists.

The growth and death of cells, the number of cell divisions are limited… These are all manifestations of gene lock, which is the restriction of genes on cells.

Breaking through this lock means that the cell becomes cancerous and the cell becomes a cancer cell.

And Lu Li wants to achieve two goals through gene lock technology.

First, only the primary new macrophages he cultivated have the ability to divide. These primary new macrophages are not used for sale, but only used to make daughter cells through division, and those daughter cells for sale, There is no ability to divide.

Second, encrypt the genes of the new macrophages so that others cannot analyze the gene codes of the new macrophages through the product.

"If I really develop the gene lock technology, I can safely put the drug on the market. Not only that, the gene lock technology can be used in the gene products I will research in the future!"

Thinking of this, Lu Li was a little excited, and felt more and more that he needed to research the gene lock technology.

For other scientists, this may be as difficult as climbing, and even no scientist is doing research in this area.

But for him, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Because he has a cell editor, he can perfectly control every cell in his body. His understanding of the human body, cells, and genes far surpass other scientists.

This is the benefit of having a plug-in.

It's cool for a while, and it's always cool for a while!

"If I want to study gene lock technology, my current knowledge reserve is not enough. Therefore, I need to go to the library to recharge, not only reading books on biology, but also reading some computer data to understand A look at computer data encryption technology may be able to achieve an analogy effect."

Thinking of this, Lu Li cleaned up the laboratory, destroyed all the new macrophages just made, and carefully stored the other medicines in the low-temperature refrigerator.

After doing all this, he left the laboratory and went to the library.

For the next ten days, Lu Li would go to the library every day, absorbing knowledge frantically.

At the same time, he also took time to find a house near University with Senior Sister Qin Wei.

The two of them tasted it, and naturally wanted to have their own nest, no matter what they did was convenient.

I have to say that Yanjing's house is too expensive, especially the house near University.

The 1.2 million bonus that Lu Li received during the college entrance examination is impossible to buy an ideal house here. In the end, he rented a two-bedroom and one-living room near University.

Fortunately, Lu Li has confidence in his earning ability. Otherwise, he would really not dare to spend money like this.

However, he only occasionally goes to the rented house, and he still lives in the dormitory most of the time, because the dormitory is close to the laboratory and library, which can save a lot of time.

this day.

In the laboratory.


Lu Li was observing the primary new macrophages in the petri dish through an electron microscope, with some expectation in his eyes.

These new macrophages can not only swallow and eliminate HIV, but also identify and eliminate HIV-infected cells. They also use the biological gene lock technology he has just developed.

With the help of the cell editor, he conducted experiments with his own cells. Gene-locked macrophages were able to divide normally, but the daughter cells produced by division did not have the ability to divide.

Now, he wants to see if the new macrophages he made in the laboratory are the same.

Under Lu Li's observation, the new macrophages began to divide and one became two.

"Can daughter cells divide?"

Lu Li watched attentively.

Ten minutes later, Lu Li clenched his fists excitedly.

Because based on observations, the primary new macrophages he cultivated can continue to divide.

But those daughter cells have no ability to divide at all.

This means… he succeeded!

The biological gene lock technology has succeeded!

Once this news is released, it will shock the entire biological community!

The gene-locking technology, which they dared not even try, was actually researched out!

"Very well, continue the experiment. I will try to use the current equipment to decipher the genetic code of the new macrophage."

Lu Li gets busy again.

This experiment is also critical.

If scientists can decipher the genetic code of new macrophages, they can grow new macrophages themselves.

Soon, three hours passed.

Lu Li was happy and in a good mood. He smiled and said, "As long as there is no accident, no one can decode the genetic code of new macrophages within three years at least."

Lu Li said this with confidence.

Because his understanding of current genetic technology has surpassed everyone in the world.

He knows exactly what level of genetic technology the current biologists are.

Also know the level of gene locking technology of new macrophages.

So he can make judgments objectively.

Not based on feelings, but based on his understanding of technology, using scientific thinking to make rational judgments.

"Three years is enough, because my technology will also improve, and the progress will be faster, and more advanced biological gene lock technology can be researched. As long as I am unwilling, no one can crack the genes of the biological products I have researched. Encoding. So… I can already disclose the matter of conquering AIDS."

Lu Li cleaned up the laboratory, sorted out the relevant research materials, then took off the research suit and picked up the mobile phone. *

"Senior sister, my experiment was successful. The new macrophages I cultivated using single-base gene editing technology can swallow and destroy HIV, as well as identify and eliminate HIV-infected cells."

The first person Lu Li thought of was Qin Wei, so he dialed Qin Wei's phone and told her the good news.

"You… have you overcome AIDS? I knew you were the best!"

Qin Wei was stunned for a moment, and soon became excited, even her voice was trembling, it could be seen that she was proud of Lu Li.

"Haha, of course I am the best, haven't you experienced it many times?"

Lu Li said with a smile.

"You! You are getting more and less serious!"

Qin Wei was a little speechless.

Next, Lu Li started calling his mother again. As soon as the phone was connected, her voice came from the other side: "Son, I heard from your classmate that you have found a senior sister to be your girlfriend. Suddenly calling back this time, could it be that you killed someone? I don't know how to deal with it, right?"

"No, absolutely not."

With a black line, Lu Li quickly said: "I have good news to tell you, you should have heard of AIDS? I have already conquered AIDS in the laboratory."

call! call!

Mom couldn't help gasping for breath.

This news is really shocking!

That's AIDS!

In this era, anyone with a little bit of culture has heard that this disease is terrible, even more terrible than cancer!

Now… was captured by my son?

After a while, my mother was relieved: "I… I heard you right?"

"Mom, don't worry, you absolutely heard it right. I have already overcome AIDS in the laboratory. After a while, I should be on the news."


At this moment, my mother's eyes were red with excitement, her heart was surging, and she was so excited that she didn't read much, and her biggest dream was to hope that her son could be admitted to a good university, because she had suffered a lot without academic qualifications.

Although many people say that it is useless to go to university, and there are indeed many undergraduates who are not good at it, she understands that 80% of people will be affected by their academic qualifications, and for the middle and low classes of society, Taking college entrance examinations is the most direct way to achieve stratification.

Fortunately, his son is very talented and talented, and his grades have been good. After being admitted to Nancheng No. 2 Middle School, he has always won first place.

At that time, she knew that her son would be admitted to Qingbei as long as there were no accidents.

As for the college entrance examination champion, she never thought about it.

As a result, her son gave her a big surprise, not only the provincial champion, but also the country's first candidate with full scores in the college entrance examination.

She originally thought this surprise was big enough.

As a result, his son has now overcome AIDS!

That's AIDS.

Even if she doesn't read much, she knows very well that with just one thing, her son can become a world-renowned scientist, can be on TV, and be written into textbooks!

She was about to cry tears, she never dreamed that her son would be so promising!

Lu Li chatted with his mother for a while, then hung up the phone and called his father. His father's reaction was similar, but he was so excited that he kept saying that he would set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Next, Lu Li called Professor Xu and Professor Tian.

After hearing Lu Li's words, Professor Xu was taken aback for a while, and then said quickly that he had already set off and he would be able to go to Lu Li's laboratory immediately.

Professor Tian didn't get through. He should have been in a meeting. As an academician of the Academy of Sciences, as the Taishan Beidou of domestic biological virology, he often attends meetings.

Ten minutes later, Professor Xu came to the laboratory, sweat dripping from his forehead, and he was still breathing heavily. He was obviously jogging all the way.

"Xiao Lu, how did you overcome AIDS, is that the method you mentioned to me last time?"

Professor Xu asked anxiously.


Lu Li nodded and said: "I used single-base gene editing technology to modify the genes of macrophages so that macrophages can recognize and destroy HIV, and also recognize and destroy cells infected with HIV."

"This, this, this…"

Professor Xu was a little bit shocked and speechless. When he heard Lu Li's idea, he didn't think that Lu Li could succeed, but Lu Li said he had succeeded in less than a month. , This is really incredible.

If he knew that Lu Li had succeeded in only two weeks, it would be even harder to believe.

After a while, Professor Xu calmed down and let Lu Li conduct the experiment.

Lu Li nodded, and soon the two came to the experimental platform. Lu Li skillfully took out the new macrophages that had been cultivated from the reagent tube, poured them into the petri dish, and then dripped HIV into the petri dish.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Xu couldn't wait to put the petri dish under the electron microscope and start to observe.

Through the electron microscope, he clearly saw the war between new macrophages and HIV. The new macrophages are like a ruthless killer. Whenever they encounter HIV, they will directly rush up and eat HIV into the body.

Not only that, he used an instrument to cut through some new macrophages that had swallowed HIV, and found that there was no HIV inside the cells, which indicated that the new macrophages had broken down HIV.

"This…this…this is incredible."

Professor Xu stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes stubbornly, and his body began to tremble. The HIV that has been ravaging for decades, and the AIDS, which has left scientists around the world at a loss, has been conquered like this?

From now on, treating AIDS will become as simple as treating a cold?

"This is definitely a major milestone in the history of biological sciences. It not only means that AIDS is no longer a terminal illness, but also means that gene editing technology has begun to take the stage, and the era of gene therapy is coming!"

Professor Xu took a deep breath, looked at Lu Li's handsome and tender face with joy, and said with great emotion, "Xiao Lu, no… if I call you Xiao Lu, it would be a little inappropriate, I I'll just call your name from now on."

Having said that, Professor Xu patted Lu Li on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Lu Li, this achievement of yours has locked you in next year's Nobel Prize. You will become the youngest Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine. Haha, I didn't win the Nobel Prize myself, so I can accept a student who can win the Nobel Prize!"

Lu Li smiled and said: "It's all teachers who teach well."

Professor Xu waved his hand: "I didn't teach you much. You can overcome AIDS entirely by your own ability."

Speaking of this, Professor Xu couldn't help but sigh: "I used to think that you still need time to grow. It may take about ten years before you can become a pillar of the biology community and a treasure.

at this time.

Bell Bell Bell.

Lu Li's cell phone rang. He checked the caller ID and found that Professor Tian was calling.

Academy of Sciences.

Professor Tian and a group of academicians just came out of the conference room and took out their mobile phones from their pockets. They found that there was a missed call from Lu Li. For Lu Li, he was very optimistic and was willing to help, not for others. Yes, but I want more and more young people like Lu Li to grow up.

He didn't think too much, so he called back and said kindly, "Xiao Lu, what's the matter?"

"Professor Tian, ​​I succeeded. I have successfully cultivated new macrophages. These new macrophages can effectively eliminate HIV and HIV-infected cells."

Lu Li said straightforwardly.


Professor Tian exclaimed and exulted: "When did it happen?"

Before Lu Li could answer, he quickly said: "Wait for me, I will set off to your laboratory now, and I will be there soon! Soon!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Lao Tian, ​​what's the matter, so excited?"

"You are not young anymore, you have to relax a little bit and calm down when you encounter anything."

"Yes, those of us who are getting older must not be too emotional."

The academicians next to each other spoke.

Professor Tian swallowed his saliva and laughed loudly with a red face:

"How can I not be excited?"

"I'm telling you, something big happened!"

"Just now, a student from University called me and told me that he used single-base gene editing technology to modify the genes of macrophages. The modified macrophages can effectively eliminate HIV and Cells infected by HIV."

"In other words, AIDS has been conquered!"

"By the way, this student is only 18 years old!"

With a "wow", the whole audience exploded.

After listening to Professor Tian's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

AIDS has been conquered?

Was it conquered by an 18-year-old student?

If it is true, this…this is really something serious!

However, everyone still has some doubts in their hearts. It's AIDS. Even the world's top scientists can't help it. How could it be overcome by an 18-year-old student? At the age of 18, even if he skipped a grade, he is still studying for undergraduate at most! Can an undergraduate student handle AIDS?

"Old Tian, ​​you can't joke about this kind of thing."

An old bald academician spoke.

"Don't you know me? When did I make a joke?"

Professor Tian said with emotion:

"I know what you are thinking."

"How can an 18-year-old student conquer AIDS!"

"If it's an ordinary student, of course it's impossible, but that student is different."

"You have also heard his name, his name is Lu Li, he has the ability to remember his life, and he has extraordinary learning ability. A professional book can learn thoroughly in just a few hours, and he got full marks in the college entrance examination, and then went University became a student of Xu Zhongchen. After two weeks of studying biology, he developed a single-base gene editing technique. The paper was published in the journal Cell."

"Well, I won't tell you more. I will go to his laboratory now. If you also want to witness the eradication of AIDS, you can go with me."

After speaking, Professor Tian moved forward and trot all the way forward.


Quiet and terrible!

These veteran scientists no longer doubted, but were shocked, unable to speak in shock, and sighed with emotion at the same time!

The evildoer turned out!

"I'll go take a look too."

"Go together."

"Walk around, let's go together."

Soon, these old scientists all trot forward, following Professor Tian.

laboratory University.

Lu Li is chatting with Professor Xu.

Boom boom boom.

The door of the laboratory was knocked.

Immediately afterwards, a group of old men and women swarmed in, headed by Professor Tian.

"Old Xu, you really have a good student."

"Old Xu, your luck is too good, you have picked up a student who is about to win the Nobel Prize for nothing."

These old men and women are all academicians of the Academy of Sciences, and they are all in the field of biology. They all know Xu Zhongchen, and they all speak up at this moment.

"Good guys, you are all here."

Professor Xu was also a little surprised. Then he patted Lu Li on the shoulder and said proudly: "You are all envious now? Although you have all heard of his name, I still want to introduce him. He is my proud student. Lu Li."

"You lousy old man, you are showing off."

An old academician gave Professor Xu an angry look, then looked at Lu Li, and said kindly: "Student Lu Li, can you do an experiment? Let us witness it with our own eyes."

"No problem at all."

Lu Li smiled and nodded.

After speaking, Lu Li made some settings to connect the electron microscope with the display. Soon, a microscopic world was displayed on the display.

These old academicians recognized the macrophages at a glance. These macrophages were wandering around, like soldiers on patrol.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Li dripped HIV into the petri dish.

These HIV viruses have also begun to swim, seeming to be looking for targets that can be parasitic.

Soon, the macrophages encountered HIV and immediately rushed up to eat HIV into the body.

What happened next was exactly the same as the scene that Professor Xu had seen.

Macrophages swallow all HIV cleanly and then break it down.

"This, this…"

Even if the results have been known long ago, there are still many old academicians trembling with excitement and red eyes, especially those who have studied abroad. When they were young. If you have the knowledge of biotechnology, you must go abroad.

In the class, they picked up the textbooks. The knowledge in the textbooks was written by foreigners.

In the laboratory, they have a lot of equipment that can't operate, and they have never even heard of it.

Due to their poor foundation, they can't even understand some more professional English words. They struggled at the beginning, but it's okay. They use time to close the gap with foreign students. Foreign students learn eight hours a day. They study for 16 hours, except for meals and rest, the other time is spent on studying.

They absorbed knowledge frantically, and the speed of their growth surprised foreign students.

In the laboratory.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn for a while.

Although the old academicians didn't say a word, Lu Li could feel the emotions of the old academicians, and couldn't help being infected a little bit, feeling that he seemed to have to bear something.

a long time.

The old academicians calmed down.

The gray-haired director of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences, Wu Hongyan, said: "Lu Li, we didn't control our emotions just now, which made you laugh. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. Biosciences has a successor, and it can move the whole world. Geniuses, we are so excited."

Lu Li smiled, "Thank you for your approval."

At this time, Wu Hongyan spoke again and said seriously: "Lu Li, there is one thing I must tell you. You may not realize the importance of this technology, but I can tell you with certainty that it can cure AIDS. The technology is not only a simple technology, and we must do a good job of confidentiality."

Lu Li heard the words and said with a smile: "I have genetically locked the new macrophages that I have cultivated. Except for the primary new macrophages, none of the other new macrophages have the ability to divide. In addition, I also believe that , Others have not been able to analyze the genetic code of new macrophages through products."

Wu Hongyan suddenly asked curiously: "What do you mean by genetic locking?"

Professor Tian, ​​Professor Xu and other academicians also looked at Lu Li, their faces full of curiosity.

"This is the biological gene lock technology that I have developed. By adding a special code to the gene, the shape of gene expression is restricted…"

Lu Li talked freely and popularized the knowledge about biological gene locks.


At this moment, everyone was shocked again!

As professionals, they understand the difficulty of the biological gene lock technology, and even the technology of treating AIDS developed by Lu Li is even more difficult!

Their eyes started to light up when they looked at Lu Li, this kid, where is the evildoer, it is clearly the evildoer among the evildoers!

"Lu Li, when did you start researching this technology? Why haven't I heard you say it."

Professor Xu couldn't help asking.

"About ten days ago, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Thinking of this technique, I thought it was quite interesting, so I studied it by the way, and then it succeeded."

Lu Li's remarks are half-truth and half-false. There is no way. He still doesn't want to say goodbye to others. In fact, he deliberately researched this technology in order to protect his own interests and make more money. This would seem to him The force frame is a bit low.

"This, this… researched it by the way, and then it succeeded?"

Lu Li downplayed what he said.

Let everyone present feel vomiting blood.

This is a technology that transcends the times.

Is this level of technology that simple for you?

Professor Xu grinned.

This student of mine, everything is good, just this habit of acting like coercion, how can it be changed!

Others reacted quickly, and then smiled knowingly, young people, like to pretend to be forced, like to show off, it's normal, and it's harmless. If you're young and be like an old man with no desires, that's it. unusual.

Director Wu added: "This biological gene lock technology is very good, but it is not enough, and security needs to be strengthened."

Professor Xu nodded and said: "Indeed, in case the technical data is stolen, even if the biological gene lock technology is advanced, it will be useless. I will communicate with the school later and send security guards to stay outside the laboratory 24 hours a day. "

Director Wu said: "This is not enough. Lu Li's safety also needs to be protected. He is no longer as simple as a college student. He is also a top scientist. Everyone, as well as his family, must be protected accordingly."

Speaking of this, Director Wu looked at Lu Li: "Of course, it depends on your personal wishes. If you don't like having someone nearby to protect you at all times, you can also refuse."

Lu Li immediately said: "Of course I am willing, I am too late to thank."

He is not the kind of silly white sweet who believes that the world is incomparably beautiful.

He knows very well that as he develops more and more advanced technologies and his influence becomes greater and greater, as his actions violate the interests of some people, they will inevitably attract the attention of some forces.

He may not care about himself, but he must consider the safety of his family.

Before you have the ability to protect yourself, accepting state protection is the best choice.

"That's good." Director Wu said with a smile, "I will contact the relevant department later, and you and your family will be protected in secret."

Lu Li didn't make much politeness, and said directly: "I am going to conduct animal experiments on chimpanzees, so I want to get a batch of chimpanzees. If it goes well, I hope to arrange human experiments as soon as possible."

In general animal experiments, mice are used. However, the HIV virus is special. Ideal experimental data cannot be obtained with mice. Chimpanzees are required.

Because there are 4 known HIV strains, namely M, N, O, and P. Each has a different origin, but all come from chimpanzees and gorillas.

But chimpanzees are not so easy to get, especially Lu Li, if he applies as a student, it is difficult to get approval, so he can only ask for help.

As for clinical trials of human drugs, it is not that simple. There is a set of cumbersome procedures. It takes an average of two years for each new drug to be clinically approved. Lu Li doesn't want to wait that long and can only ask for help.

"Don't worry, this is on my body. Now you need to sort out the research results, write them into a paper, and announce to the world that you have overcome AIDS."

Director Wu laughed happily. He was really happy, and he felt a sense of exultation.

Lu Li nodded.

Publishing papers is confidential and does not conflict with technology.

Because of the publication of papers, it is more to show new knowledge and opinions to the peers, and at most mention some principle things for peer review.

For example, the manufacturing principles of nuclear bombs do not need to be kept secret. The relevant principles have been written into textbooks. What really needs to be kept secret is actually some technical details, such as how to obtain high-purity U235.

Like chip manufacturing, everyone knows the relevant principles and processes, but to make high-performance chips, you must have supporting technologies and equipment, such as an advanced lithography machine.

The technology developed by Lu Li for the treatment of AIDS is the same. The principle is to edit the genes of macrophages, but how to edit the genes is the key, and this part of the content will not be involved in the paper, otherwise , There are not many scientists in the world who dare to publish papers.

Therefore, what we usually say is that so-and-so technology is behind the world, not that so-and-so is inferior to others in principle.

Next, Director Wu and others chatted with Lu Li for a while, and they were about to leave. However, at this moment, accompanied by a sound of footsteps, another group of people poured into the laboratory.

Headed by a middle-aged man, behind him is Director Wang from the admissions group of Yan University who had met Lu Li.

The middle-aged man walked directly in front of Lu Li and smiled enthusiastically: "Student Lu Li, hello, I am the principal of Yan University. You should know Director Wang next to me. He once recruited you on behalf of Yan University. , This shows that you have a good relationship with Yanda University. I am here this time and I sincerely invite you to join Yanda University again. However, this time I am not studying for an undergraduate, but directly studying for a Ph.D. with two million scholarships every year. At the same time, our Yan University's laboratory is at your discretion."

"It's too much! You guys are too much!"

At this moment, someone ran all the way into the laboratory. It was the principal of University. He said frantically, "I knew that you are here for no good things. As expected, you are here to dig people. Although Lu Li has not yet Reported, but in fact he is already a student of our University. You heard that he had overcome AIDS, so you came to dig people non-stop, which is too much!"

The principal of Yan University said calmly: "So you admit that Lu Li has not reported yet. He is still a high school student. Isn't it reasonable for us to recruit from Yan University? Besides, even if Lu Li is a student University students can also transfer schools, we must respect the opinions of classmate Lu Li."

The principal of University blows his beard and stares: "It's too much! It's too much!"*

"Where is it going too far? Don't you also often rob our students? Yanjing's college entrance examination champion this year was originally intended to come to our Yanjing University, but you were cut off by you."

"So, are you determined to grab someone?"


"very good."

The president of University directly turned around and smiled kindly to Lu Li: "Student Lu Li, during your time at University, you have achieved outstanding results. We also realize that with your knowledge, there is no need to study undergraduate. So, after the start of the semester, you will directly study for a Ph.D. This laboratory will always be used by you. If you are not satisfied, you can change to another one. As for the scholarship, Yanda can give it. Money, one million scholarships every year."

"You…you are too much!"

This time it's the turn of the President of the University of Yankee to get mad. What conditions are offered by the University of Yankee?

Just when the two principals glared at each other.

Another middle-aged bald man walked in.

Seeing the scene in the laboratory, he was taken aback for a moment, then locked Lu Li in the crowd, and walked over directly and said: "Student Lu Li, hello, I am Zhou Tongwei from the Yanjing Admissions Group of Fuda. On the phone of our principal, let me represent Fuda and sincerely invite you to join Fuda. By the way, not as a student, but as a full professor of the School of Life Sciences. Assign a house of 120 square meters."

"You, you, you… You are too much to re-grand!"

"Is there anyone like you?"

The President of Yan University and the President of University were angry at the same time, glaring at Zhou Tongwei.

We all let Lu Li directly study for PhD!

You Fuda directly hired Lu Li as a professor!

This is too shameless!

However, if you think about it carefully, if you just look at your ability regardless of seniority, Lu Li seems to be…well able to serve as a professor.

Among other things, the single-base gene editing technology developed by Lu Li is an achievement that many biology professors cannot achieve in a lifetime.

Now, Lu Li has conquered AIDS… This has been locked for next year's Nobel Prize.

The most frightening thing is that it only took Lu Li more than a month to achieve these results.

Ma, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Lu Li is a monster.

The president of University quickly said: "Student Lu Li, our University also specially hired you as a full professor of the School of Life Sciences, and gave you a house. If you want to apply for research funding, or set up a laboratory, or need talents, just open your mouth. We at University will do our best to get it done."

Zhou Tongwei: "…"

It's too much, you're too much, you completely copied the conditions of our reunification, isn't this shameless?

No, I have to call the principal immediately and ask the principal to give better conditions.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tongwei picked up his cell phone and walked aside to make a call.

The President of Yan University was also dumbfounded. The conditions you offered are getting higher and higher. How should I make a move? Should we hire Lu Li as the deputy dean of the School of Life Sciences?

At this moment, Lu Li, who has been eating melons silently, also felt that he needed to speak.

To be honest, he is still a little moved about being a professor.

That's a professor, a professor at a top university, it sounds compelling.

However, after careful consideration, he decided to refuse.

He has made plans for his future, that is, trying to absorb knowledge and realize his own brain holes, such as: biological computers, starry behemoths that can survive in space, transform cells into atomic furnaces, and make humans be like plants. The same goes for photosynthesis.

At the same time, he also wants to enjoy life with his family.

Therefore, he does not have the time and energy to be a professor.

Lu Li said, "Thank you for your love, but I just want to be a student and study quietly, and I think University is pretty good. I don't plan to go to other schools."

"No problem, you want to be a student, you want to study quietly, there is no problem at all."

The President of University said with a smile.

The President of Yan University and Zhou Tongwei are inevitably a little bit disappointed, but they didn't say much, but congratulated Lu Li for conquering AIDS.

At this time, Director Wu, who had been eating melon silently, also nodded with satisfaction.

What he worries most is that Lu Li is young and ambitious, and has a fluttering mentality, but now it seems that Lu Li is a person who has a solid mind and knows exactly what he wants.

Thinking of this, Director Wu smiled and said to Lu Li: "I didn't want to tell you one thing now, but your performance just now makes me feel that I can tell you in advance. If your experiment goes well, we The Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences will collectively nominate you for the'Highest Science and Technology Award', and as long as the experiment goes smoothly, with the achievement of conquering AIDS, you are enough to get this award."


The President of University, President of Yan University, Professor Xu and others couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

The highest science and technology award!

Established in 2000, it will be selected once a year, and no more than two will be awarded each time. The highest official will personally sign and issue honor certificates, medals and 8 million yuan in prizes.

Those who can receive this award are scientists who have made major breakthroughs in the forefront of contemporary science and technology or have made outstanding achievements in the development of science and technology.

In 20 years, only 33 people have won awards. One can imagine the gold content of this award.

Lu Li is only 18 years old. Even if the awards are presented next year, Lu Li is only 19 years old.

The 19-year-old winner of the highest science and technology award!

This… is really shocking!

However, at this moment, they suddenly thought that Lu Li would also lock in next year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine if nothing goes wrong.

This… this is absolutely something that everyone can't even think of!

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Lu Li's heart is also surging, unable to calm down.

The highest science and technology award.

Director Wu finished talking about this, smiled and patted Lu Li on the shoulder, and left the laboratory.

The other academicians also said goodbye to Lu Li with a smile.

The President of University, the President of Yan University, Professor Xu, Professor Tian and others also left one after another.

The laboratory gradually became quiet.

But it didn't last long, and there was another movement outside. Lu Li went and took a look and found that two security guards from University were standing guard to protect the safety of the laboratory. It should be arranged by the principal.

Lu Li greeted them and returned to the laboratory to continue working.

Instead of writing the paper first, he continued to modify the genes of the new macrophages.

Animal experiments with chimpanzees are about to be carried out.

Chimpanzees are different from humans. For the experiment to go smoothly, he needs to adjust the genes of the new macrophages.

Not only that, he also has to consider the matter of human drug clinical trials.

The human body has a rejection reaction. Simply put, when T cells detect that a foreign body enters the body, it will launch an attack on the foreign body.

The new macrophages he was about to infuse patients were also foreign bodies.

Therefore, he had to think of a way to prevent the new macrophages from being attacked by the patient's immune system.

At this time, the abnormality of the laboratory has attracted the attention of many University students. Not far from the laboratory, some students are discussing together.

"It feels like a major event has happened in this laboratory! A security guard came to stand guard, not to mention entering the laboratory. I just wanted to take a photo, but the security guard stopped it."

"That's because you came late. When I first came, the security hadn't come here yet, but I saw the principal and a group of academicians of the Academy of Sciences. I use your future sex guarantee. There must be a big deal in this laboratory."

"Damn, why do you use my future sexual welfare as a guarantee…Okay, don't talk nonsense, talk about business, does anyone know who is using this laboratory?"

"not sure."

"I know that Lu Li is using it. It is Lu Li who got a perfect score in the college entrance examination. He is now a student of Professor Xu Zhongchen. However, instead of working on a project with Professor Xu, he applied for a laboratory by himself. Study AIDS."

"F*ck… I suddenly thought that Lu Li had already conquered AIDS, right?"

"Don't tell me, there is such a possibility. Otherwise, how could so many academicians of the Academy of Sciences come to this laboratory, and the school also specially arranged security guards to guard this laboratory."

"Ma Yeah, this is too much. I have read the news. Lu Li is only 18 years old. He conquered AIDS at the age of 18? Oh my god, I don't dare to think, I don't even dare to think… ."

"Although I don't want to believe it, but…it's very likely to be true, and Lu Li is not an ordinary person. He slammed a horse. After two weeks of studying biology, one of the papers was published in the "Cell" magazine. On it."

"This is a man of God!"